Thursday, September 14, 2023

πŸ’²πŸ’² An honest sneak peek into how much you REALLY can save

Hi reader,

If you've been struggling to make healthy food affordable - especially in the past several months - there's a good reason: food prices are the highest they've been in the past 40 years.

The average grocery bill has gone up by $131 for everyone - except for a select group of people…

That group is graduates of Grocery Budget Bootcamp, and they're navigating rising food prices with ease because they have a plan that's proven to work.

The proof is in the pudding, so let me share the numbers of a few graduates from our class just this past Spring:

Amanda from Maine (family of 5) was spending $1100 per month and she got it down to just $750.

"This is the best money I've spent so far on budgeting assistance! After all the apps and blogs that were supposed to help, this has been a game-changer."

Harriet from West Virginia (family of 4) spent $696 the month before class started and only $228 during the first month of the course.

"Grocery Budget Bootcamp encompasses not just shopping or recipes, but strategies and good planning. It was a good, necessary kick in the pants, LOL! I need to start using what we have. :)"

Kathy from Virginia (family of 2) was spending $600 per month and she cut that down MORE THAN HALF to less than $300.

"I have spent so much money on other programs (weight loss, meal plans, etc) that I wasn't looking to spend more on what I thought I already knew. But the price was good so I took the leap. Glad I did. It help refocus me on what was truely important."

Merry from Nebraska (family of 5) was spending $618 per month and she cut that BY 83% to just $104!

"I didn't want to spend money to save money, and I didn't really think I needed it.  I felt that I was being as frugal as I could be, so how could I spend any less?  However, my monthly spending would vary widely, as I would stock up when I saw a good deal, and the checkbook was becoming increasingly tight, and so I decided that I could use some help.

It forced me to really think about what I was doing with the grocery budget money, not just on what my budget number should be. There are nuances to budgeting that I had not considered before, and this course gives you the tools and knowledge to feel confident about your budget and how you're spending it."

>> Read more stories from Grocery Budget Bootcamp graduates here.

On top of that…

  • Amy from South Carolina went from $1200 per month to $350 for her family of three.
  • Silvia from Ontario, Canada went from $700+ per month to $329 for her family of three.
  • Carol from Wisconsin went from $1200 per month to just $600 for her family of six.
  • Michele from Michigan went from $500+ to only $300 for her family of two.
  • Candice from California went from $1000+ to just $550 for her family of four.

Every single one of these graduates saved the cost of the course before the course was even over. And those savings continues to snowball because they save EVERY MONTH from here on out!

Whether your goals are to…

  • save time (having an exact system to follow for planning, prepping, and cooking)
  • save money (by knowing exactly what to make versus what to buy)
  • save stress (being able to buy organic and fresh food, without worrying about it costing too much)

… or to have a simple step-by-step process to follow every month so
you're not constantly spinning your wheels…
Then Grocery Budget Bootcamp is for you!

Graduates have saved over 20 Million dollars so far, and there's no reason why you can't be part of that savings too. Enrollment for Grocery Budget Bootcamp is only open for FIVE more days.

  1. Click HERE to Register for the Course (Use coupon code FALL2023 to save $10 today!)
  2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to saving money - and trying "all the things" but getting nowhere - you'll want to register for this course. 

Use coupon code FALL2023 to save $10 when you register today. Plus we'll also send you What to Stock in a Real Food Pantry as a welcome gift!

Don't forget:

  • The average student saves $300 in the very first month!! 
  • Registration closes in just FIVE days.
  • We have a 100% money-back guarantee.

Here's the link again:

>> Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (ends September 19)

Do you want to stop receiving emails about Grocery Budget Bootcamp? No problem! Just click here to opt out. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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