Wednesday, September 13, 2023

You know how to lose weight, but you're not doing it.

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The Sugar Free Fresh Start Course

If you feel like you know all the information for losing weight, but you struggle to actually lose weight...

The Sugar Free Fresh Start Course was created exactly for you!

And if you really want to lose this weight THIS year, before the holidays come around, you're going to want to join right now.

Don't wait until the new year comes and you begin your next New Year Resolution!

My Tribe members are able to achieve their weight loss goals EVEN when they already know A LOT and have tried so many things without previous lasting success. Read their weight loss success stories here!

If you are ready to lose weight and end the yo yo dieting and constant sugar struggle, let me be your coach inside the Sugar Free Mom Tribe membership as I take you through my newly updated foundational course, formerly known as the 6 week Sugar Detox Course. 

This newly updated, Sugar Free FRESH START course, will give you the sustainable, lasting tools that will make weight loss easy, so you can lose your weight and keep it off for good!

Kick Off is September 27th!!

The price for this course alone is $249, but when you become a Tribe member you have access to this course and many others when you join!

Tribe Membership is discounted to just $99 for a limited time!

Deadline for this Huge savings is in 8 days, then price increases!

This course won't be offered again until January 2024!

Questions? Reply back to this email or set up a FREE Discovery call!!

Don't wait, Register Today!

Talk soon,
Brenda/Sugar Free Mom

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