Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Why most grocery hacks aren’t working (+ surprise! πŸŽ‰ It’s finally here!)

Hi reader,

I'm so excited - the biggest day of the season is finally here…

Registration for Grocery Budget Bootcamp is OPEN!!

If you've been struggling with the cost of groceries lately - and the "tips" you find online aren't working anymore, then listen-up. This email is for you.

Grocery Budget Bootcamp is a simple and straight-forward grocery budgeting system that:

  • got us out of $100,000+ debt
  • enabled us to pay cash for a house and a farm
  • helped 2,700+ graduates in 24 countries save over 20 MILLION dollars (so far)
  • works no matter where you live, no matter what you eat, no matter your shopping options

Grocery Budget Bootcamp is the only proven system to show you EXACTLY how to eat real food on a budget… 

And enrollment is open right now!

>> All the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp can be found on this page.

For those who have been on pins and needles waiting for this day, let's get the party started! Here's what to do:

  1. Click HERE to Register for the Course
  2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving

Just to keep you in the loop, I made a few updates for our Fall 2023 class:

#1. I brought back the PLATINUM level. This is BY FAR the most popular level (and the most bang for your buck) because it includes LIVE teaching each week + coaching + personal accountability – all directly from me. I had to take a break this past Spring, but I'm BEYOND EXCITED to bring it back for this Fall. PLATINUM spots go quickly, so don't wait if you need the extra hand-holding.

#2. The price of the course is STILL the same. Technically not a change, but an FYI for those who are curious. Grocery Budget Bootcamp is the same price as it was pre-2020.

#3. There's a coupon! Use FALL2023 to save $10 off enrollment today!

#4. I'm sending over my What to Stock in a Real Food Pantry guide as soon as you join!

This is my personal cheat sheet for making sure I have specific ingredients in my pantry at all times. This means being able to make dinner on a whim without having to run out to the store for anything (and in turn, save money) - even if I don't like what's on the meal plan.

Here's the link to register, or to learn more about Grocery Budget Bootcamp:

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to saving money - and trying "all the things" but getting nowhere - you'll want to register for this course. 

Don't forget:

  • The average student saves $300 in the very first month!! 
  • Registration closes in just SIX days.
  • We have a 100% money-back guarantee.

Here's the link again:

>> Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (ends September 19)

Do you want to stop receiving emails about Grocery Budget Bootcamp? No problem! Just click here to opt out. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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