Sunday, September 10, 2023

24 hours left!

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Good Morning!

Do you want to have more energy, to shed unwanted pounds, drop inflammation and end sugar cravings?

Then JOIN US for my 5 day Sugar Detox Challenge which starts tomorrow, Monday September 11th! You have only 24 hours left to register! After that doors close!

In this whole food 5 day sugar detox, you will eat nourishing real foods and be satisfied! You cravings for sugar and refined carbs will end, you will look and feel better in just 5 days!

Here are all the things you will get when you sign up for the 5 day Sugar Detox Challenge:

**A workbook with all the details of what to eat and not eat.
**Daily video teachings on how to overcome cravings and avoid withdrawal symptoms, how to end mindless snacking, what to do if you overindulge, how to sustain sugar freedom!
**Private FB group to find buddies and for Q and A's!
** A less inflamed, bloated, leaner, healthier body!

YES!! Sign Me Up!

When: Monday September 11th through Friday September 15th (all videos recorded if you can't come live!)
Where: Live coaching in this Private Facebook group (request to join here) 
Price: $10 one time fee! 
Sign Me Up!

Don't Wait! Registration Closes at midnight Sunday September 10th!

Hope to see you there! 

Brenda/Sugar Free Mom

P.S. For those already registered the FB group is open and you can go and introduce yourself and find a buddy now! Or invite friends to join you in this 5 day challenge!

Let's do this! Sign Me Up!

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