Thursday, February 4, 2021

Back to school baking and more!

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Happy 2021!!


I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and that 2021 has got off to a great start for you!


We spent Christmas and most of the the summer holidays just hanging out at home. It was SO relaxing - and just what we needed after the craziness of 2020!


Like so many of you, kinder started for us this week! Will's started 4 year old kinder this year (he's a little social butterfly so is in his absolute element!). If your kids started/went back to school or kinder this week, I hope everything went smoothly for you… or as smoothly as things can go when you suddenly have to be somewhere at a certain time for the first time in almost 2 months!


Check out some of my favourite lunchbox recipes above (or click here for my entire collection of lunch box recipes). I hope they help to make lunch box prep a little easier!


Happy Friday and I hope you have a fab weekend xx

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