Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Highlights of the Year • Best Sellers

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2020 Highlights
Racism in America


Downloaded by thousands

An indispensable resource, available to download for free, Racism in America: A Reader is an invitation to understand anti-Black racism through the eyes of our most incisive commentators »
Marking Time


A Critics' Choice

Featured on "Best Book of the Year" lists by the New York Times, Art Newspaper, Financial Times, and Smithsonian Magazine, Marking Time inspires vital political conversation »
Healthy Buildings


The myth-buster

As COVID-19 spread, Joseph G. Allen, co-author of Healthy Buildings, shared expert advice with the New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, and Financial Times »


The Book Club Series

Book clubs looked a little different this year, so we spoke to some groups who moved their conversations online »
Ethics 101—The Good Place: A Reading List


The most popular blog post

As The Good Place came to an end, we took a moment to appreciate a show that took moral philosophy into the mainstream »
HUP Instagram


Pic of the litter

Our trusty new interns helped us get through a year of working from home »


A time to color in

We offered an avenue of escape during a stressful spring—a sample page of Nick Sousanis's award-winning graphic novel, Unflattening »
The Fairest of Them All


The book we were on pins and needles for

In celebration of Maria Tatar's The Fairest of Them All, we bestowed a free downloadable "mini ebook" as well as a themed embroidery pattern »


In vino veritas

We'll cheer to the new year with SmellosophyTelegraph's "Best Wine Book for Christmas" »
2020 Best Sellers
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
The Color of Money
Make It Stick
The Condemnation of Blackness
The Myth of Race
Burning the Books
Law and Leviathan
Why Do We Still Have the Electoral College?
Bring the War Home
The Gift of the Classics
Loeb Classical Library


The digital Loeb Classical Library offers both beginners and advanced scholars access to a vast collection of knowledge at the click of a button »
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