Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A deal with the EU has been reached and businesses should take action: A message from the Business Secretary.

Read a message from the Business Secretary.
A message from the Business Secretary. Time is running out. Check. Change. Go.

A deal with the EU has been reached and businesses should take action.

I am delighted that we have agreed a deal with the European Union and I am confident that the United Kingdom will thrive outside the EU and cement its position as the best place in the world to start, grow and run a business.

The deal with the EU means the UK can now regulate in a manner that suits the UK economy and UK businesses – doing things in a more innovative and effective way, without being bound by EU rules.

As with any major change, there will be challenges as we adjust to new ways of doing business with the EU. Government will be there to support you to adapt and to capitalise on the opportunities created by this deal.

While the deal secures us tariff-free access to EU markets, you should still check what you need to do to allow your business operations to run smoothly. The new rules apply from 11pm on 31st December so you should take any actions as soon as possible in the new year.

2020 has undoubtedly been one of the most challenging years in living memory. However, the resilience and determination displayed by UK businesses this year has only increased my confidence that 2021 will be the start of an exciting and prosperous new chapter for our nation.

I wish you all a very happy and successful New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP

Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

A man wearing formal workwear and smiling at the camera.

Companies House is an Executive Agency of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. © Crown Copyright 2020.


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