Friday, September 20, 2024

The only grocery budget course with 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Hi reader,

My all-time favorite part about teaching Grocery Budget Bootcamp is when my graduates send me emails sharing how much money they've saved and how the course has impacted their lives.

⭐  We're able to eat the food WE want and cut our grocery budget in half. GBB has completely changed our lives! I only wish I would have done this a few years ago - I would have been able to save myself so much money and feed my family so much better. 
- Tyler Marie from Florida, went from $1300/mo to $650/mo

⭐  The money you pay up front pays for itself in a month. You're going to get that money back two times, if not more! It's so, so worth it... If you can save even $200/month, what can you do in a year with that money? You can pay off another bill, you can save for a trip to Disney. There are so many possibilities! 
- Carol from Wisconsin, went from $1200/mo to $600/mo

⭐  I'm a GBB 'veteran.' This course was eye-opening, and dare I say it, life-changing for me. I went from a $1200/month budget to $850 for a family of 5 comprised mostly of Celiacs, so gluten-free. 
- Amanda from Tennessee

⭐  I spent $431 in October, which included feeding 124 servings to people outside our family and those with lower/no income in our city. My heart is warmed by the FREEDOM this has given me to SERVE others in a way I never would have thought possible. 
- Stephnie 

⭐  Just did the numbers: Spent $1200 in February + $700 eating out. Spent $700 in March and $370 eating out. And spent a mere $480 in April and $50 eating out. WOW! Now what to do with our extra money?! 
- Shana

The best thing about all these graduates and their stories? They're the norm around here.

The average student saves $200 in the very first month, and every student makes back what they spent on the course itself before the course is even over.

And they KEEP SAVING month after month after month…
Which is why they keep emailing me months and years later, telling me how they're
  • Spending summers traveling Europe
  • Paying off cars and houses
  • Sending kids to college (without loans)
  • Going on paid-in-full trips to Disney
  • Buying land, building houses, and living a life they could only dream of - debt-free.

Hearing how Grocery Budget Bootcamp has given my graduates financial freedom and improved their quality of life?! Absolutely.The.Best.

Grocery Budget Bootcamp is open for enrollment right now. Here's how to get your grocery spending under control, once and for all:

  1. Click HERE to Register for the Course
  2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving

Two super important things to note:
  1. Enrollment is only open until Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 11:59 pm PT.
  2. You can save $10 off enrollment today with the coupon SAVE2024.

As soon as you register, log in and download the "Master Substitution List." It has 130+ different ways to substitute with things you already have, so you can start saving instantly!

>> All the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp can be found on this page.

♥ Tiffany

PS – The average student saves $200 in the very first month, and every student makes back what they spent on the course itself before the course is even finished. The best part though, is that you KEEP SAVING that money EVERY MONTH, even when the course is over.

Click HERE to read and watch even more stories from GBB graduates and don't forget that enrollment closes Tuesday, September 24, 2024, so no procrastinating, mmkay? 

If you no longer want to hear about Grocery Budget Bootcamp, you can opt out by clicking here. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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