Friday, September 20, 2024

❌ or ✔️: Will this really (truly) work for you?

Hi reader,

My "big" Q&A about Grocery Budget Bootcamp is coming tomorrow (so keep an eye out), but I wanted to specifically talk about THE BIGGEST QUESTION I get about Grocery Budget Bootcamp today before you check out for the weekend:

Will this work for me?

Let's break it down and work through it together…

1) Do you eat food?

As a human, yes you eat food. It doesn't matter what foods you eat (or don't eat) - food allergies, dietary restrictions, picky eaters, organic, grass-fed, Vegan, Carnivore, pop-tarts & goldfish… whatever.

❌  This course doesn't teach you WHAT to eat.
✔️  Grocery Budget Bootcamp teaches you HOW to get the food you want to eat for the best deal possible.

⭐  During this course I had to eliminate soy, grains, nuts, gluten, and dairy from my diet… but I still saved money on my grocery budget. I'm amazed because we also had guests over every week and I managed to save $200!
- Juliane

2) Do you shop for food?

Unless you 100% eat only what you grow, then the answer is yes, you shop for food. It doesn't matter where you shop, how often you shop, or the stores in your area. It doesn't matter if you shop online, have groceries delivered, or subscribe to a CSA. It doesn't matter if you live an hour away from Walmart, in a small town with mom-and-pop stores, in a city with every store within a few miles, or in downtown New York City with markets every few blocks.

❌  This course isn't limited to mainstream stores.
✔️  Grocery Budget Bootcamp offers proven strategies that work with whatever stores you have access to.

⭐  I really like the emphasis on customizing everything to fit your family. I've already bought enough groceries to feed our family of 5 (mom, dad, 3 grown children) for all of this month AND possibly most of next month – for about one-third of what I spent last month!
- June

3) Do you live on planet Earth?

Trick question. ;) Many of my readers aren't from the United States, so it's a fair question to wonder if this will work in Canada or Germany or Barbados (spoiler alert - it does).

❌  This course doesn't rely on American shopping principles.
✔️  Grocery Budget Bootcamp shows you how to outsmart marketing techniques that every grocery store across the world uses to encourage shopping to spend more money.

 I live in Victoria, BC and before Grocery Budget Bootcamp I was spending $500 on groceries. Now I spend $350, and I'm still not even done with the course!
- Leah

So here's the short answer:

If you eat food, shop for food, and live on this planet - then YES - Grocery Budget Bootcamp will work for you.

Grocery Budget Bootcamp is open for enrollment right now. Here's how to get your grocery spending under control, once and for all: 

  1. Click HERE to Register for the Course
  2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving

Two super important things to note:
  1. Enrollment is only open until Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 11:59 pm PT.
  2. You can save $10 off enrollment today with the coupon SAVE2024.

As soon as you register, log in and download the "Master Substitution List." It has 130+ different ways to substitute with things you already have, so you can start saving instantly!

>> All the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp can be found on this page.

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you eat food, shop for food, and live on this planet - then YES - Grocery Budget Bootcamp will work for you. It really truly comes down to that.

Click HERE to read and watch even more stories from GBB graduates and don't forget that enrollment closes on Tuesday, September 24, 2024!

If you no longer want to hear about Grocery Budget Bootcamp, you can opt out by clicking here. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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