Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My Thoughts on Clutter & Weight Loss

Hey there reader,

Can we talk about clutter? Please don't take this email the wrong way; I'm not a neat freak or OCD about cleaning. Yes, I like a clean home, but I have two kids, run a business, and have a busy schedule, so dusting isn't always a priority. I'm human.

However, a clean, organized home does more than look good; it reduces stress, helps me focus, and creates a sense of peace in my life.

When I feel organized, productive, and accomplished, I'm more likely to exercise, meal prep, or whatever else I want to do to move forward on my weight loss goals.

I'm not saying my home is pristine and laundry is always put away, but I put habits and routines in place to keep my house in order so eating healthy, exercising, and other healthy habits stay a priority.

I believe in taking a holistic approach to weight loss. It's not just about food and exercise; it's about you as a person and your environment.

This is why I talk about things like making your bed, coping with stress, and writing a to-do list.

πŸ‘‰ I believe a healthier lifestyle is easier to achieve when you create an environment that supports and encourages it.

It's about staying out of the "hot zone" so you can focus on creating a healthy, happy life instead of just trying to survive every day. πŸ‘ˆ

Removing excessive clutter from your home and organizing everything left is a significant first step in creating an environment that supports healthier habits.

Clutter and disorganization create chaos and stress in the home, which causes us to lose focus and go into survival mode. It's hard to function when living in survival mode day in and day out.

Sure once in a while, we need to tap into survival skills to get through things that might be beyond our control. However, living in survival mode every day is not healthy and can keep you from your weight loss goals.

If disorganization and clutter are creating stress and chaos, it's time to take a step back and take control of the mess.

Of course, it's not realistic to organize your entire house in one weekend, especially if you have a lot to do. Focus on the one area or room that occupies your mind the most and start there.

Here are some action steps that you can take.

1. List out the five areas in your home that need the most organization. These can be big or small areas; we will break them down next. Also, this can be whatever you want. Think about the place that dominates your focus the most. Or the area you would feel the most relief from if it were decluttered and organized. This can be anything from closets, laundry, toys, decorations, whatever.

2. Out of the five areas, choose one. If needed, break that area down into smaller components. For example, if you put the garage on your list as the top priority, maybe break that down into "organize tools" or "clean, organize, and donate gardening items." Or, if laundry is on your list, break that down into "clean out old clothes from kids' closet" or "organize drawers" Break it down into doable, actionable steps.

3. Carve out time on Saturday (try to leave Sunday for meal prep) if possible to work on that one area. Please don't do more than you can handle because you want to finish it. If you only have time to clear out old clothes from your closet, then that's what you do. Keep your list and try to do a little every day next week - even if just for a 1/2 hour.

This is going to be different for everyone. The purpose is to start working on taking control back over your environment. When you reduce stress and chaos, you can focus on creating a healthier lifestyle.

I hope you found this helpful. Talk to you soon.

Tammy Overhoff

Ps. Hey, have you checked out my shop, Reset & Flourish? If not, let me tell you all about it!

At Reset & Flourish, you can find many helpful resources to help you fit a healthier lifestyle into your busy schedule. From freezer prep guides to 10-day challenges and eBooks, there's something for everyone. And that's not all! I'm also creating workshops and courses that will make healthy living more manageable. I'm constantly adding new resources to my shop, so check back often. Check out the Reset & Flourish Shop!

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