Sunday, September 22, 2024

πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° How to save money when you’re too busy to do “all the things”

Hi reader,

Enrollment for the fall class for Grocery Budget Bootcamp closes in just two days, and I would be remiss if I didn't share the story from our very first graduate: me.

My husband and I started our marriage over $100,000 in debt. When my son was born, our income was cut in half. We had to save every penny possible just to make ends meet.

When we realized the food budget was flexible (unlike the mortgage), I made it my mission to get our spending as low as possible. Every dollar we saved went towards paying off debt, and our savings snowballed every month, eventually allowing us to pay cash for a house and a farm.

The same system that paid off our debt 12 years ago is the same system I follow today, and the same system that helped us stay debt-free while we:

  • Moved across the country from California to Georgia, then across state lines to South Carolina. 
  • Lived in suburbia (3 miles from everything) and lived rural (30 miles away from anything).
  • Tried ALL the diets - from Vegan to Carnivore, Keto to Paleo, Whole30 to GAPS to Candida.
  • Managed allergies to gluten, sugar, and soy, and sensitivities to dairy and corn.
  • Spent 6 months traveling the country with little to no kitchen (while staying within budget!)
  • Homeschooled, road-schooled, private-schooled, public-schooled, and participated in sports every season.

But my situation isn't unique either. So many of my graduates have navigated this thing called LIFE and were still able to save because the grocery shopping strategy inside Grocery Budget Bootcamp works!

⭐  As of today, we've only spent $468 on groceries. This is a far cry from the $1,000+ we had been averaging before!
- Laura

 I've only spent $262.90 for the month. Last month, I spent almost that much at Costco alone in just the first week! And this month we had a birthday, two events to cook for AND a major holiday. I can't believe this is all I've had to spend!
- Kristin

⭐  This course works for any kind of family - small, large, meat-eaters, non-meat-eaters, young, old… it gets you results! I'm saving money too - over $270 in one month!
- Laurel from Alberta, Canada

Grocery Budget Bootcamp has helped 3,200+ graduates in 24 countries save over 22 MILLION dollars (so far). It's the only proven grocery budgeting system that works no matter where you live, no matter what you eat, no matter your shopping options.

>> Click HERE to see if Grocery Budget Bootcamp is a good fit for you.

Don't forget - enrollment ends in TWO days, Tuesday, September 24 at 11:59 pm PT.

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to saving money - and trying "all the things" but getting nowhere - you'll want to register for this course.

The average student saves $300 in the very first month and with a 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose!

Here's the link again:

>> Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (ends September 24)

If you no longer want to hear about Grocery Budget Bootcamp, you can opt out by clicking here. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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