Tuesday, September 17, 2024

[FIW] Session 2: How to Fit More Food in the Budget

Hi reader,

Pizza Fridays have been a tradition in our family long before the kids were born.

My husband is from Delaware, where New York style pizza from local mom and pop shops was a staple in his diet. We met in Texas, where I grew up, and your choice of pizza was either Pizza Hut or Dominos.

The first three months of our marriage were spent trying slices from every pizza shop in town, in an effort to find one that made the kind of pizza he loved so much growing up.

Only one shop made the cut, and it closed two weeks later.

The next three months of our marriage were spent trying every homemade New York style pizza recipe known to man, since that type of pizza simply didn't exist within a 50 mile radius.

That's how Pizza Fridays was born. And while most young, newly married couples might watch a movie or go dancing, we stayed at home, made pizza, and talked about the bills.

Those "budget dates" were anything but fun. We had two steady streams of income, yet living paycheck to paycheck. Aside from the $10 leftover after paying the bills, we were essentially broke.

I was expecting our first child and hoped to not have to go back to work after he was born. But the only way we could do that, was if we cut our spending… in half.

We worked hard - REALLY hard - at cutting back our spending across the board. We cut cable, we adjusted the thermostat, we stopped buying new things, and we only ate out once per week, on Wednesdays when fajitas were half price. We ordered one entrรฉe, split it, and filled up on free chips and salsa.

But it didn't take long to see that our efforts weren't really making much of a difference. We felt like we were doing "all the things" to save, and yet there still wasn't enough money to make it work.

Based on the emails and comments I got after the first session of our Fight Inflation Workshop earlier this week, I'm not the only one who feels that way:

"I have totally been suckered in by these stores..."


"We are trying to eat healthy and it's just impossible! I have tried too many different things and can't figure it out!"


"My grocery spending is far more than it should be."


"I pride myself in my ability to save my family money, but obviously there are so many things I'm doing wrong!"

It wasn't until we adjusted our money pot that things actually started to change, and that's what Session 2 in the Fight Inflation Workshop is all about.

Remember back in Session 1 that we covered 3 simple strategies to make food affordable right now - in the midst of record inflation, food shortages, and supply chain issues.

Session 2 of the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop will happen LIVE today at 11am ET in this private, dedicated Facebook group. We're talking about how to make more food fit in your current grocery budget.

Because I'm pretty sure that while the cost of food has gone up, your paychecks have stayed the same, right?

If you feel like you've done "all the things" and yet it still feels like there's not enough money to go around, you're going to enjoy today's session.

Join Session 2 of the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop:

Click HERE to join via Facebook.

There is an optional workbook in the Fight Inflation Workshop Toolkit. You can purchase that here. I recommend this if you want to dig deeper into the strategies we're going to talk about. PLUS you get three bonus ebooks to help you start saving money NOW.

I want to share this with you because no matter your situation or income or real food goals, we all really just want to do the very best we can.

And this isn't easy to do when food prices are going through the roof (with no end in sight).

I'm pulling out all the stops in these videos so you walk away with simple yet practical information that will help you save on groceries right away.

We're going to cover how to make every dollar of your grocery budget go as far as possible too, but first, I look forward to seeing you today at 11am for Session 2 of the Fight Inflation Workshop.

(And don't forget to watch the replay for Session 1, in case you missed it!)

Click HERE to join via Facebook.

♥ Tiffany

PS – Session 3 is tomorrow and I'll share my "secret sauce" to squeezing dimes out of nickels so you get more bang for your grocery buck. If you dread grocery shopping and wish there was a way to walk out with more food while spending less money, you won't want to miss it. Keep an eye on your inbox!

As of today, we have only spent $468 on groceries this month - a far cry from the $1,000+ we had been averaging before! I am so thrilled to have accomplished that and I have you to thank for it!

- Laura from New York

Don't want to join the FREE training? That's ok! Opt out of the Fight Inflation Workshop emails here. No hard feelings. I'll still send you the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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