Monday, September 16, 2024

[FIW] Session 1: 3 Simple Strategies to Make Food Affordable (Right Now)

Hi reader,

Let's be honest - eating real food on a budget isn't as easy as it sounds. In fact, it can be downright hard.


  • You WANT to afford organic food, but wonder if it's worth the price tag.
  • You KNOW cooking from scratch is healthier, but how do you fit it into a busy schedule?
  • You NEED the best deal possible, but you can't waste gas (and time), driving all over town to get it.

How in the WORLD do you make all this work within a budget?!

And with food prices going up, it feels nearly impossible!

Believe me, I TOTALLY get it.

There have been PLENTY of times when I wanted to stop all the thinking, stick a frozen pizza in the oven and call it done. And after working with a grocery budget for over a decade, I still feel that way sometimes.

That would work for the moment, but what about tomorrow, or the next day?

Like you, I knew there had to be a way to make healthy food my family actually LIKED eating, without spending all day cooking OR all day shopping… and to do it without going broke.

So years ago I dug deep into those weekly ads, practically slept at the grocery store, and crunched numbers until my fingers went numb.

And eventually, everything started to make sense.

→ I spent LESS time shopping and MORE time doing fun stuff with my family.
→ I learned how to cook meals that EVERYONE liked, which meant not scraping plates into the trash can every night.
→ Eating healthier and sticking to our grocery budget became (dare I say), EASY.

And it feels SO AMAZING!

But… I learned the hard way.

I spent HOURS upon HOURS in the stores with two kids in a double stroller, inspecting every price tag and sale sign I could find so that I KNEW beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was getting a good deal.

And all of that was great, until food prices skyrocketed and I felt as if I was back to square one.

I had a solid understanding of how the stores worked, but I was struggling with the fact that my receipt totals went up while my paychecks didn't.

How can I make the new, current prices of food work with the same income? That's what today's session in the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop is all about.

I'm teaching Session 1 of the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop LIVE today at 11am ET in this private, dedicated Facebook group. Specifically, I'm covering 3 simple strategies to make food affordable right now - in the midst of record inflation, food shortages, and supply chain issues.

If you're struggling to make the rising cost of food work within a budget that's staying the same, you won't want to miss today's session.

You have two ways to watch Session 1 of the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop:

Click HERE to join via Facebook.

There is an optional workbook in the Fight Inflation Workshop Toolkit. You can purchase that here. I recommend this if you want to dig deeper into the strategies we're going to talk about. PLUS you get three bonus ebooks to help you start saving money NOW.

I know it's frustrating and time-consuming to do what everyone else says to do, only for it to not work for you (again).

That's why I only share the practical, proven, and organized methods that got us out of debt, helped us pay cash for a house (twice), and have kept our grocery budget so lean all these years.

We'll talk later this week about what to do when you feel like you've done "all the things" and yet there's still not enough money for groceries… plus we'll talk about how to make every dollar of your current budget go as far as it possibly can.

Until then, I look forward to seeing you today at 11am for Session 1 of the Fight Inflation Workshop! (Replays available on this page.)

Click HERE to join via Facebook.

♥ Tiffany

PS – I know you're busy, but once you make your food budget a priority, you'll start saving immediately. So make some time to get started!

PPS – Session 2 is all about the nitty gritty details of money. If budgets make your head spin and you're not sure what else you can do to make staying within budget easier, you won't want to miss it. Keep an eye on your inbox!

I'm surprised at how much I learned in Grocery Budget Bootcamp because I've been shopping deals for 5 years. This gave me confidence in what I'm buying. No longer am I second guessing myself!

- Michelle from Texas
Don't want to join the FREE training? That's ok! Opt out of the Fight Inflation Workshop emails here. No hard feelings. I'll still send you the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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