Friday, September 20, 2024

๐ŸŒŸ Everything You Wanted to Know (and Even What You Didn't)!

Hey reader

In case you missed it, The 10-Day Healthy Eating Challenges Kit is currently on sale for only $19! But only for 72-hours! It goes back up to $30 on Sunday night.

The 10-Day Healthy Eating Challenges Kit was launched a little over two years ago, and since then, it has quickly become one of my most popular products. And it's no surprise why - it works!

๐Ÿ˜ณ Over 3000 readers have used the power of 10-day eating challenges to jumpstart their healthy eating habits and love the kit.

Look at some of these reviews. You can read more here.

Today, I want to answer some of your questions about the 10-Day Healthy Eating Challenges Kit.

❓How did you pick the recipes?

I chose the recipes that have made the most significant changes in my life, are easy to start and stick with, and ultimately help me feel and look my best. By the way, these are the exact recipes that helped me lose 40lbs!

I want these eating challenges to be easy to follow through with, so I curated recipes that are great for beginners but delicious enough that anyone would want to make them over and over again. The goal is for you to experience a quick win so you keep going, and these recipes do that.

❓How does the product get delivered?

The 10-day Healthy Challenges Kit is a digital product. After purchasing, you'll have access to a link to download the kit immediately. You can download the challenge kit to your computer, iPad, and/or phone.

❓Do you offer a print version?

Unfortunately, I don't offer a print version of the kit. However, this is something I'm looking into for the future. But for now, it's a digital product.

❓Why 10-day challenges?

This is the question I get most often. After participating in many challenges over the years, I found that 7-day challenges weren't long enough to experience any transformation and made it too easy to fall back into old habits.

30-day challenges, while long enough to change your behavior, felt overwhelming to commit to. Ten days is the perfect length of time to try out a new habit.

It's long enough that you'll experience the benefits and get a quick win. Those quick wins build your confidence to keep going with more healthy habits.

On the flip side, a 10-day challenge is short enough that it's easy to commit - you only have to complete the habit for ten days unless you choose to go longer.

10 days is the sweet spot!

❓Are the recipes vegetarian or vegan?

The smoothies and overnight oats are vegan or vegetarian recipes. Some mason jar salads are vegetarian or vegan; the dinner recipes are not vegetarian or vegan.

❓Are there any other dietary suggestions or swaps?

Most of the recipes are gluten-free; if not, I will give gluten-free suggestions. I also provide low-carb swaps and recommendations for dinner recipes.

Remember, the sale ends Sunday, April 21, at 11:59 PM Pacific. Right now is $19, but on Monday it will be $30

If you have any questions, please hit reply and let me know!

Talk to you soon!

Tammy ๐Ÿ’•

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