Saturday, September 21, 2024

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป 10 FAQs about my grocery budgeting system (+ coupon expires tonight)

Hi reader,

I've taught Grocery Budget Bootcamp to FIFTEEN graduating classes, and I've received TONS of questions about the course over the years.

Some of you guys are (dare I say) nosy?! 


This course teaches a simple and straightforward grocery budgeting system that makes it easy to afford real food.

But still, you want ALL the details before you commit… so here you go!
(Heads up, this is a longer email because there are a lot of details in the answers. Grab a cup of coffee and read carefully!)

1) What's inside Grocery Budget Bootcamp?

  • 13 Core Lessons. Create the framework to filter all future food and budget decisions. (Lessons 1-4); Learn proven skills that save money at the store week after week. (Lessons 5-8); Master what techniques should be used, and when, to maximize savings. (Lessons 9-12); Create a system tailored to your lifestyle that works like a well-oiled machine. (Lesson 13)
  • 150+ page PDF Workbook. Optimize your time and fully leverage each concept to reduce your spending.
  • Grocery Shopping Tracker & Price Book. Track your spending, identify weaknesses, and create a plan to overcome them to never pay more than you have to!
  • Inventory Checklists. Stop throwing away food, maximize the money you've spent, and significantly reduce spending moving forward.
  • Master Substitution List. Over 130+ ideas to keep you out of the store and eating what you've already paid for.
  • **Lifetime Access. Your grocery budget will change with the seasons of life, and being able to revisit certain lessons - or the entire course - means NEVER spending more on groceries than you need to!
  • BONUS: What to Stock in a Real Food Pantry. Know what foods to have on hand, and how much, to make meals at home cheap and easy.
  • SO MUCH MORE… bonuses, lessons, downloads, videos, transcripts, audio files, coaching calls, and eBooks are available for certain tiers. Read more about the options on this page.

** About the lifetime access - unofficially, 40% of my students return to the course a second time because their circumstances have changed (i.e. had a baby, moved across the country, started taking care of a parent, had an adult child move back home, lost a job, etc.). To be able to revisit this course ANYTIME YOU WANT is a big deal.

2) Who exactly is Grocery Budget Bootcamp for?

Anyone who considers themselves a beginner or intermediate at grocery budgeting.

  • Beginners may have heard about grocery budgeting, tried clipping coupons, or shopped sales once or twice. They are SERIOUS about making progress and stopping the hamster wheel of "quick tips to save money" that don't work long term.
  • Intermediates have been doing this (perhaps on and off) for a while, but feel like they're missing something or know they could be doing it better.

Both beginners and intermediates will love the details of this course and how everything is laid out step-by-step. They can connect with other like-minded students and start seeing results right away.

Intermediates (and beginners, when they're ready) can use advanced techniques that streamline your efforts, rack up the savings, help you spend less time in the kitchen, AND keep up with it each week without getting overwhelmed.

If you're a beginner or intermediate, Grocery Budget Bootcamp was tailor-made for you. :) 

>> See if Grocery Budget Bootcamp is a good fit HERE (enrollment closes September 24)

If you consider yourself an "expert" at grocery budgeting, you may not feel the need to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp. However, you're absolutely welcome to join anyway, to become more efficient in your efforts, ensure you really are doing everything you can, and join an amazing group of like-minded students!

 I didn't want to spend money on something I thought I could figure out myself, and I've been a frugal shopper for a long time - or so I thought! Being mindful of meal planning and sales, I've been able to easily stay within budget while buying the type of food that is important to me. The systematic approach, with each week building on the past one - this is the game changer. It's a logical, easy-to-use system that works very, very well, and it's absolutely worth every penny!  
- Lisa from Maryland

3) When does enrollment close?

Enrollment closes Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 11:59 pm PT.

4) Are there any coupons?

Yes! Use the coupon code SAVE2024 to save $10 off registration. (expires tonight!)

5) Will I see a return on this investment?

If you join today and only save $300 in the next three months, it pays for itself. But I have a feeling you'll save much more than that, and sooner than three months too. And because of the snowball effect, anything you save past the initial investment means you're MAKING money!

⭐  It seemed silly to spend money to save money at first, but I quickly realized that if I could save even $100 a month off my regular spending, the course would quickly pay for itself - and it did! We went from $900/month to $700/month, and I now have a well-rounded system - not just a list of tips on saving money. I've learned I can feed my family healthy food AND stick to a food budget, even during one of the busiest most productive times of my life! 
- Mindy from Texas

⭐  This was an amazing, life-changing course! It was very intense and it was a significant financial investment, but I believe it was completely worth it. You taught me things it would have taken me years to figure out, if at all. With what I learned, I cut my grocery budget down by $300/month!  
- Kristin from Tennessee

6) How long is the course?

The course is 8 weeks long, but it's okay if you need a bit longer to finish or if you're in a season where you can get it done quicker. 

(Psst! If you're worried about waiting 8 weeks to save money, no need to. Most students recoup the cost of the class by the end of Week 2.)

7) Does this course work outside the US?

I mentioned this in yesterday's email, but our graduates are from over 24 countries, including Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Guam (technically US), Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine. 

The core concepts behind my system work across the world!

⭐  To anyone who is considering Grocery Bootcamp, it changed our lives. We paid off two cars and all our debts except for a small mortgage. We started saving more than $1,000/month and we're spending three months in Europe - all on the savings!  
- Charlotte from Australia

>> Read more stories from Grocery Budget Bootcamp graduates HERE!

8) Does this course work for special diets? (i.e. vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.)

Yes! The skills you learn in this course apply to EVERY diet and all eating restrictions. I won't teach you what foods to buy – instead, I will teach you how to find the best deals on the foods YOU want to buy.

(I personally have tested this with vegan, vegetarian, Whole30, Carnivore, Paleo, GAPS, and a smorgasbord of gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free bouts thrown in there too.)

9) What if my shopping options are limited? (i.e. no Costco or other mainstream stores)

It doesn't matter - this course offers solid concepts and shopping techniques that teach you how to shop with the stores you DO have rather than the stores you don't, making it work for every family no matter where they live.

(I personally have tested this in coastal California, suburban Georgia, and rural South Carolina!)

10) I already eat real food AND have a grocery budget – will I learn anything new in this course?

Absolutely! "It's one thing to understand theory; it's something entirely different to put it into action." (quoted from a GBB graduate)

What you eat and the budget itself are only two slices of the pie. There are 10 other slices to the bigger picture that we have to dissect, learn, and apply to truly maximize our savings every month. I'm confident that even the most seasoned grocery budgeter and foodie will learn something in this course!

⭐  I thought I knew everything there was to know… shop the outside aisles of the store, eat before shopping, etc. And I thought I was doing a good job budgeting. Grocery Budget Bootcamp held me accountable and I'm saving over $350 every month - I just gave myself a raise!
- Kathy

>> All the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp can be found on this page (enrollment ends September 24)

If you still have questions, feel free to reply to this email. I'll get back to you ASAP!

And don't forget to use coupon code SAVE2024 to save $10 off registration before it expires tonight!

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to saving money - and trying "all the things" but getting nowhere - you'll want to register for this course. 

Be sure to use coupon code SAVE2024 to save $10 when you register - it expires today!

If you no longer want to hear about Grocery Budget Bootcamp, you can opt out by clicking here. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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