Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Video Recipe: Rachel’s Favorite Summertime Pink Smoothie

Hey reader

We’re so close to Summer and that means we’re craving cold, refreshing, lighter meals and snacks.

Tropical-tasting smoothies are just the thing to fuel our summer days!

Whether it’s a light meal or a quick snack, icy-cold smoothies are just the thing to keep us nourished and hydrated on a hot day.

Bonus: This smoothie tastes like dessert!

I even included a video with this recipe to make it easy to enjoy!

Rachel’s Favorite Summertime Pink Smoothie

People who plan + prep their meals ahead of time are twice as successful with their goals! Strong arm emoji

Remember this is a lifestyle you can be proud of! 

Share your favorite recipes with friends via email and social media.

Make today an amazing start to your new week!

❤ Rachel

P.S. We just started our only Quit Dieting Forever Community of 2024!!

Have you ever struggled with dieting, obsessed over your weight, or bounced between various types of plans? 

I understand!  That was me, always trying to eat perfectly, and beating myself up when I didn't.

This program spends 8 weeks as a group releasing everything we think we know about weight loss and creating a clean slate on which to build! 

We keep the space limited in this group to make sure everyone gets the attention they require.  

Learn more and get your questions answered at:


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CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020, US

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