Thursday, May 30, 2024

๐Ÿฅ— Here's a Free Mason Jar Salad Class!

Hey there reader!

Over the couple of days, I've been chatting quite a bit about what the Reset and Flourish Planner brings to the table. Today, I want to spotlight the pop-up classes I host for our Reset and Flourish community.

I absolutely love offering these classes. They're my chance to pass along the meal prep tricks and strategies that have genuinely made a difference in my life, not to mention a fantastic way to touch base with everyone in our community.

๐Ÿฅ— My mason jar salads are one recipe that always gets love in our circle. They're a staple within the Reset & Flourish Planner, and trust me, you'll see our community members proudly sharing their creations weekly.

๐Ÿ™Œ Believe me when I say, these mason jar salads are a total game-changer. They were among the first meal prep recipes I ever tried, completely transforming my view on how straightforward and delicious healthy eating can be.

If you've ever found lunchtime challenging, especially with a packed schedule, mason jar salads could be your perfect solution.

The Mason Jar Salad Class was actually one of the very first classes I shared with the community, and it was a hit!

For the next 24 hours, I'm pulling this class out of my exclusive student-only vault.

This is your chance to dive into the world of mason jar salads and get a taste of my teaching style and personality.

It's a great opportunity to see if you'd like to keep learning with me and if the Reset & Flourish Planner feels like the right match for you.


Just a heads up, by choosing to join the Reset & Flourish Planner, you're not just signing up for now — you're gaining lifetime access to this class and every other class I conduct within the planner.

However, remember that the Founder's price of $97 (one-time fee for lifetime access) goes away when we hit 500 members - we are at about 90 spots (when I'm writing this). Also, enrollment closes on Sunday June 2nd at 11:59 PM.

Talk to you soon.

Tammy ๐Ÿ’•

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