Friday, May 31, 2024

urgent: why I'm (truthfully) hesitant to trust the grocery store

Hi reader,

When it comes to grocery shopping, it's in the best interest of the store for you to spend more money.

Whether it's bigger grocery carts (fact) or the layout of the store (fact) or the music they play (fact) or even the smells they pipe into the building (fact) - EVERYTHING the grocery store does is designed so that they make money.

And their money comes from your pocket.

For over a decade, I've made it my mission to outsmart the grocery store and beat them at their own game so that I spent as little as possible on real food while feeding my family like kings.

Next month, I'm hosting a free, 3-day event called Grocery Savings Made Simple where I'm teaching specific shopping tactics so you can walk away with practical, tangible strategies that have helped others like Mary…

"Thank you so much for this. This was hard to watch, honestly. I pride myself in my ability to save my family money, but obviously, there are so many things I'm doing wrong! I will definitely be making these changes and see how it affects my budget! Thanks Tiffany!" - Mary

… and Chantel

"WOW! Wish I knew all of this great information sooner. It's sickening thinking about how much I spend every week. I want to actually stick to my budget and I know this will help. Thank you so much Tiffany!" - Chantel

This event is only happening ONE TIME this year, and it's important that you RSVP to save your spot.

I love the passion from Katrine:

"Why can't stores just offer things at fair prices, and put a stop to all this manipulation?... Time to get our eyes open, and shop wisely! Thank you for putting the pieces together and helping me to simplify!" - Katrine

If you need to improve your grocery shopping technique to save on groceries, you won't want to miss this training!

Simply click here to reserve your spot in Grocery Savings Made Simple

♥︎ Tiffany

Don't want to hear more about Grocery Savings Made Simple? That's ok! Click here to opt out. You'll still get the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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