Thursday, January 20, 2022

What is a “cheap week” and should you do one?

Hi reader,

When my husband and I switched to real food and were determined to keep our budget at $300/month, I incorporated what I call "cheap weeks" into our meal plan.

A cheap week is the idea where you spend very little money - if any - on meals for the meal plan (kind of like a pantry challenge). Instead, you spend the money and intentionally stock up with staples like eggs, butter, honey, flour, etc.

This concept was INCREDIBLY helpful in so many ways…

  • I was able to take advantage of sales, buy in bulk, and stock up, reducing what I had to spend on staples the next month. (Here's what we usually keep stocked in our real food pantry.)
  • I could roll my savings from buying in bulk to the next month… buying extra butter now meant not buying butter next month, freeing up money to buy something else instead. 
  • Having staple foods on hand made making healthy dinners MUCH easier.
  • It forced me to be creative with our meals. This substitution list is always a lifesaver!
  • It taught my family how to "make do" with what we had (instead of always getting what we wanted).
  • We actually ate the food we already had (and reduced waste).

And above all else, we saved money.

Now, is a cheap week good for everyone? Not necessarily. Before you embark on this adventure (and yes, it's an adventure!), ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you (and your family) willing to eat meals where everyone's plates look different?
  2. Are you willing to prepare meals that you may not have an exact recipe for?
  3. Are you willing to eat meals that you don't ordinarily eat?
  4. Are you willing to forgo some food luxuries like fresh produce or meat - for a short period of time - in order to achieve a greater goal?

If you answered yes to these questions, then give a cheap week a try!

If you answered no, consider trying "cheap days" instead of a full week… even if you eat what you have for just two or three days, that's still money in your pocket at the end of the week!

What do you think - would you give a cheap week a try? Hit "reply" and let me know your thoughts!

ALL my best ♥,

PS - I have a SUPER exciting announcement coming tomorrow... be on the lookout in your inbox!

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