Tuesday, December 28, 2021

On a sugar binge fest? I have the solution

This last year (or two!) has been eye-opening and transformative for me and I bet you too.

But in many ways nothing has changed. 

While the world is fixated on sickness, most people are...

  • Eating fast food and processed food for nearly every meal. 
  • Spending more time inside. 
  • Socializing less. 
  • Getting free donuts and free junk food as "perks".
  • Feeling stressed out.
  • Drinking more alcohol.
  • Watching TV, instead of moving our bodies. 
  • Stuffing our faces with sugary treats and candy to take the edge off. 

We need to get back to the root cause of poor health, and one thing is for sure: 

Your diet can be sabotaging you…or healing you. 

Which is it for you?

As I shared in my email yesterday, over the last year I went on a sugar binge that was sabotaging my health. Sugar has always been my nemesis. 

I finally made a commitment to get it under control by going on a Sugar Detox. 

And this healed me. Not only did it clear up my awful skin issues, I lost my pregnancy weight gain naturally without exercising to death or cutting calories (what an amazing side effect!).

Here's how I did it. 

Sugar is toxic. Plain and simple. It impairs our immune systems. It adds a spare tire around our bellies and taxes our organs. It destroys our skin. It makes us age faster than we should. 

We need to be our own health advocates by limiting refined sugar in our diets for optimal health.

To help you quit sugar – because it is VERY addicting…

I just opened up my 7-Day Sugar Detox program for a one-time discounted price.

This gives you LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the sugar detox recipes, the meal plan, the starter guide and videos with the exact strategies that I used to get processed sugar out of my life. 

Within 20 days my sugar cravings were gone, I had more energy, and felt incredible. Now I want to help you do this too!

If you've tried to quit sugar in the past with no luck, don't blame yourself. The real problem is NOT your willpower...

I will show you that you CAN win the battle against sugar. You CAN finally take control of your cravings. This will allow you to enjoy more energy, fewer mood swings, and lose weight. You don't need to starve yourself. You don't need to eat processed, pre-packaged "sugar-free" foods. All you need is this simple, step-by-step plan that's worked for over 10,000 people. 

See the incredible testimonials here

I haven't offered this Sugar Detox Program for 2 years, and it could be a very long time before I open it up again. So, now's the time to secure access to these materials that will change your life. 

If you can't start right away, no problem! You'll own the entire program for life - so you can start any time that is convenient for you. But, you do need to get in now before I close this offer.

Get started here for a one-time price of $29.99 - Ends in 6 days! 

If you know anyone who struggles with sugar, ask them to team up with you. My team and I will be here to support you! 



P.S. Here's what people are saying about the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox:

"I have lost almost 5 pounds. I have eaten more delicious food this week than I have in my entire life. I have found the recipes so very delicious." ~ Glenna

"I thought it would be impossible but it wasn't and we succeeded! We feel so much better after doing the detox and now know that we have self control and that sugar does not run our lives." ~ Lia

"I completed the 7-Day Sugar Detox and the sugar cravings actually got better after day four… The best part of it all is I lost 5 pounds!" ~ JaNette

"My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! We are going to continue eating this way forever!" ~ Lori


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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