Monday, February 1, 2021

Honoring African American History Month

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Harvard University Press
African American History Month
Paying tribute to black activists, scholars, philosophers, writers, artists, and musicians who transformed America's social order, we present books that celebrate the African American experience.
Marking Time

Finalist, National Book Critics Circle Award »

Featured on "Best Book of the Year" lists by the New York Times, New York Review of Books, and Financial Times, Nicole R. Fleetwood's Marking Time inspires vital political conversation.
Traveling Black

A riveting account of racial segregation »

In a starred review, Kirkus Reviews points the way to Mia Bay's Traveling Black which "illuminates the determined spirit that underpins the fight for Black equality… A book that shocks, shames, and enlightens."
Liner Notes for the Revolution

From Bessie Smith to Beyoncé »

In a starred review, Kirkus Reviews sings the praises of Daphne A. Brooks's Liner Notes for the Revolution, "A sui generis and essential work on Black music culture destined to launch future investigations."
Tacky's Revolt

Critics' Choice »

Winner of the Phillis Wheatley Book Award and a Cundill History Prize Finalist, Vincent Brown's Tacky's Revolt is recommended by the New Yorker, Harper's, and The Guardian.

Winner of the Zócalo Book Prize »

The New York Times lauds Hattiesburg, "Illuminating… [Sturkey] shows how Hattiesburg's black residents… laid the organizational groundwork for the civil rights movement of the '50s and '60s."
To Live and Defy in LA

How gangsta rap shocked America »

Arts Fuse applauds Felicia Angeja Viator's To Live and Defy in LA, "[The book] sees Gangsta Rap as an important way to understand how systemic racism has worked (and works) in America today."
Critical Ruminations
To Shape a New World
Being Property Once Myself
The Fateful Triangle
The Origin of Others
Award-winning Classics
The Color of Money
A New York Times Book Review
Editors' Choice

A Nation under Our Feet
Pulitzer Prize for History

Bound in Wedlock
Joan Kelly Memorial Prize • Littleton-Griswold Prize • Mary Nickliss Prize

The Condemnation
of Blackness

A New York Times "Antiracist Reading List" Recommended Book
Many Thousands Gone
Bancroft Prize

From the War on Poverty
to the War on Crime

A New York Magazine "Best Book
on the American Prison System"

A Chosen Exile
A New York Times Book Review
Editors' Choice

Landscapes of Hope
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
Available for Free Download
Racism in America
Fugitive Pedagogy

Essential for teachers and students today »

Jarvis R. Givens's Fugitive Pedagogy is a fresh portrayal of Carter G. Woodson—groundbreaking historian, founder of Black History Month, and legendary educator under Jim Crow.
Justice Deferred

An inquiry into the Supreme Court's race record »

Addressing nearly two hundred cases involving America's racial minorities, Orville Vernon and Burton Armand Derfner's Justice Deferred, is the first book that comprehensively charts the Court's race jurisprudence.
New York Times Book Review
"How We Got Here: Writers on Race and Racism in America"
Against Race
"Paul Gilroy's monumental work Against Race argues that race is not something intrinsic and immutable but something fluid, illusory and imposed."
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
"[Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is a] sophisticated critique of slavery, 19th-century feminism and the gendered nature of white supremacy."
Playing in the Dark
"Toni Morrison's Playing in the Dark is utter genius, revealing through literary analysis how whiteness doesn't exist without blackness."
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