Friday, February 26, 2021

Have you heard of Jun? 🌿

Hi There,


Kombucha is super popular, right? You can find it at just about any grocery store.  


And, it totally makes sense that kombucha skyrocketed in popularity. It tastes good (if a little harsh), and it's loaded with B vitamins and beneficial bacteria that support gut health and immunity. 


But there's something I like even more than kombucha - and that's Jun tea. It's made with green tea and honey, and it has a lighter flavor. 

Here's why you'll like it, too:

  1. It's delicate and light. Where kombucha can be harsh, jun tea is mellow and delicate, with floral notes and a light honey-like sweetness.
  2. It's made with green tea and honey. Green tea is rich in polyphenols that helps support gut health and cognitive function.
  3. It's rich in beneficial bacteria. Fermented drinks like kombucha and jun are loaded with beneficial bacteria - those good bugs that help support gut health and the immune system.
  4. It's easy to make. If you can make a pot of tea, you can make Jun. Once you have everything together it'll take about a week to get your first batch.

Snag the recipe here → Jun Tea


Peace + Wellness,


Jenny McGruther, NTP
Nourished Kitchen

P.S. Jun tends to ferment best in cool temperatures, so if your kitchen tends to be on the cold side, it's the perfect option. πŸ’š

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