Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Demystifying 'Mindfulness'

And our recipe for the most delicious dark chocolate truffles
ella and may
date night
hello everyone
I hope you're all safe and well. 

We're still in the midst of lockdown in the UK, and at the moment it's undefined when we'll get out. The past week has been the first one that I've really struggled with it – the indefinite, uncertain nature of the world feels harder to deal with than normal. I think having two babies at home has kept me so distracted up until this point, but I'm now finding motivation a bigger struggle than normal.

Getting out of a rut isn't easy, but there are a few things I always try, all of which revolve around mindfulness in some capacity. I think the word mindfulness can be a little misleading or confusing at times - for me it's not necessarily about meditation or silence (something that is rare in this house!). Instead, it's more often about calming activities that allow me to be more present, tune in to my senses and feel more grounded. I switch my phone to airplane mode and allow the activity to take my mind away from any worries or thoughts about what has or hasn't happened, and what might happen in the future.

Cooking and baking come at the top of the list for my mindful activities - I'll put on a podcast and focus on chopping, sautรฉing, stirring and then eating. Walking while listening to music is my other favourite mindful activity, alongside a few minutes of stretching and yoga or a hot Epsom salt bath. A guided meditation works wonders when I can find that quiet time too. I absolutely love the ones with our friend and Buddhist monk Gelong Thubten on the app – his '10 minute body scan' is my go-to. My other favourites include Gelong's 'counting breaths' and Phoebe Greenacre's 'bedtime meditation.'

If anyone else is feeling a bit stuck too or needs a little more calm in their life then I hope the tips below help.

Sending endless gratitude for your support. 

Ella xx
my top tips for Mindfulness
1) Earmark just ten minutes for yourself. 
I know personal space isn't easy to come by for many of us right now, but just setting aside a small amount of time to do a calming activity really makes the world of difference. I'm always surprised by what just five minutes can do.

2) Focus on what's happening around you.
When the world feels overwhelming, try and just tune into your senses – can you notice your breath, can you see what's happening around you, what can you hear or smell? Just slow down for a second and feel the ground beneath your feet. 

3) Try some guided breathing exercises or a little meditation.
I find it especially helpful just before bed.
find out more
dark chocolate truffles
newsletter recipe
dark chocolate truffles
makes 12 truffles
These dark chocolate truffles are the ultimate snack or present. The thick coconut milk creates a creamy texture, with a richness coming from the dark chocolate and cacao powder. You can stir ingredients through the melted chocolate mixture to make delicious flavoured truffles; chopped pistachios, chopped hazelnuts or crunchy roasted buckwheat groats all taste delicious.
recipe here
delicious ways to feel better
finding healthy routines 
We talk to Dr Rangan Chatterjee on finding healthy habits, why we need to move away from quick fixes and why we need to look after ourselves as a whole; from finding a healthy weight and stopping yo-yo dieting to the role of sleep and bedtime routines, moving our bodies, morning rituals, getting outside and the impact of stress.
listen now
speak your truth
my lockdown lift: reading
It's amazing how different I feel when I use the time I have after the girls go to bed for something like reading versus mindless social media scrolling. I always find reading lifts my mood and makes me feel better. I'm currently reading Fearne Cotton's new book Speak Your Truth, however here are list of other books I've read recently that I've loved: 

Why Love Matters, by Sue Gerhardt
This Too Shall Pass, by Julia Samuel
Where The Crawdags Sing, by Delia Owens
The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig

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