Thursday, February 4, 2021

Coronavirus updated guidance: Disinfecting premises

Information on the risks to health from walk-through disinfecting systems

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Disinfecting using fog, mist and other systems during the pandemic

cleaning office

Our guidance on disinfecting premises during the coronavirus pandemic has been updated to include joint advice on risks to health that can be created by using walk-through spraying or misting systems.


HSE and public health bodies in England, Wales and Scotland have agreed joint advice on the risks to health from walk-through disinfecting systems for dutyholders considering using them to reduce transmission of coronavirus. 


Spraying people with disinfectants is not recommended under any circumstances (including in a tunnel, cabinet, or chamber). The World Health Organisation has also confirmed that it could be harmful and does not reduce the spread of the virus. This is because transmission is usually through droplets or contact, so the effectiveness of these systems is likely to be minimal.


There is more information from the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) on potential health risks from whole-body walk-through systems.


The updated page on HSE's site also has helpful advice on:

  • cleaning premises using fog, mist or UV treatment
  • the law on disinfectants
  • only using HSE-authorised products in the UK
  • supply and manufacture of disinfectants

HSE coronavirus science and research

HSE scientific evidence and research on COVID-19 is helping to improve understanding of how to control the risks of virus transmission in workplaces and other settings.

It is used to inform decision making by HSE policymakers and wider government. 


We have published a new science and evidence page which includes information on:

  • rapid evidence review summaries
  • Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)
  • COVID-19 national core studies 

Ventilation and air conditioning in the workplace

The law requires employers to ensure an adequate supply of fresh air in the workplace and this has not changed during the pandemic. Good ventilation, together with social distancing, keeping your workplace clean and frequent handwashing, can help reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.

Our updated guidance will help you identify poorly ventilated areas of your workplace and provides steps you can take to improve ventilation while maintaining a comfortable temperature. It will apply in most workplaces and includes guidance on:

  • balancing ventilation with keeping people warm
  • identifying poorly ventilated areas
  • how to improve ventilation
  • ventilation in vehicles

The new ventilation and air conditioning guidance is part of our advice on making your workplace COVID-secure.

Further COVID-19 information

HSE continues to publish the latest coronavirus-related guidance and information, as well as updating previously published content.

For a full range of COVID-related information and advice visit our coronavirus pages. This includes information on:

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