Thursday, September 19, 2024

At Long Last: Crusty, Open-Crumbed Baguettes 🥖🥖

Well Friends, the baguettes have arrived: not in time for the Paris Olympics; not in time for Labor Day Weekend; not even in time for last weekend, as I had been so hopeful they would.

Alas, here they are: crusty and open crumbed and just in time for... soup season? Hooray!

This is a long and nerdy post, but it had to be — in order to explain the reason for the three methods outlined in the post, I had to explain the science behind them, as much for me as for anyone.

I was going to wait to send this newsletter till Saturday morning (and I am still planning on popping into your inboxes then with my regular weekend newsletter), but I figured I'd get the recipe to you now in case any of you would like to have baguettes on hand for the weekend. If you were to make your dough tonight, your baguettes could be ready as early as tomorrow evening.

Overall the process is simple — the dough is no-knead and made with four ingredients. But the key to making an excellent baguette is twofold: time, which develops flavor, encourages browning, and promotes a light and airy crumb; and baking in a steamy environment, which you can create easily in your home oven.

As always, let me know if you have any questions! 🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖

Blistered Sun Gold Pizza + A New Flour

In last Friday's pizza newsletter, I shared a recipe for a blistered sun gold tomato pizza made with a new flour I am loving. Get the details here:

Thank You

Thank you to all who have ordered Pizza Night.

5 Free Resources Available to You

PS: All previous editions of this newsletter can be found here.

Happy Cooking,

Alexandra Stafford

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