Wednesday, September 18, 2024

[FIW] Session 3: 3 Practical Ways to Stretch Grocery Dollars Despite Inflation

Hi reader,

For a long time I considered grocery shopping a bit of a game. It was me against the store and every trip boiled down to seeing how much food I could get while spending as little money as possible.

But let me tell you this - there's nothing worse than playing a game with someone who cheats.

I learned the hard way that grocery stores play dirty. They're in it to win it, and they have big marketing budgets and an even bigger bag of tricks to make that happen.

They hold nothing back to make a profit, and we're left wearing the dunce cap in the corner (and paying the enormous bill too).

Not anymore.

I've spent a lot of time in grocery stores with two kids in a double stroller, the umbrella cover open with my coupon box on top, and whatever I was buying stuffed into the cargo netting underneath their seats.

I got plenty of funny looks walking through the store, but seeing the look on their faces as my total dropped at checkout was worth it.

I don't use coupons anymore and we no longer buy processed food, but our checkout totals are still jaw-droppingly low - all because of the time I spent learning how grocery stores make their money.

You see, I took THEIR strategy and reverse-engineered it to create MY strategy to save money.

It's the same strategy I teach inside Grocery Budget Bootcamp - the strategy that got us out of debt, helped us pay cash for a house (twice), and have kept our grocery budget so lean all these years.

Last week in the Fight Inflation Workshop we covered three simple strategies to make food affordable right now - in the midst of record inflation, food shortages, and supply chain issues. We also talked about what to do if you feel like you've done "all the things" and yet there's still not enough money to go around.

We're putting icing on the cake with today's session!

Session 3 of the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop will happen LIVE today at 11am ET in this private, dedicated Facebook group. We're talking about simple shifts…

  • Simple shifts in the way you approach grocery budgeting and grocery shopping to save 30% or even 50% on food every single month
  • Simple systems to put meal planning on autopilot
  • Simple ways to ensure you're getting the best deal you can on every item you put in your grocery cart

Join Session 3 of the FREE Fight Inflation Workshop:

Click HERE to join via Facebook.

There is an optional workbook in the Fight Inflation Workshop Toolkit. You can purchase that here. I recommend this if you want to dig deeper into the strategies we're going to talk about. PLUS you get three bonus ebooks to help you start saving money NOW.

I can't tell you how important today's video is if you want any kind of long-term success in beating the grocery stores at their own game.

And I'm not kidding. I've spent COUNTLESS hours upon hours reading blog posts and articles on the topic that haven't delivered the real-life results as putting these strategies into place have.

Click HERE to join via Facebook. (Replays available on this page!)

♥ Tiffany

PS - I have one more email for you, and if you're ready to…


  • stop wasting energy on meal plans that fail
  • stop wasting time by going back to the store for just "one more item" 
  • stop wasting money on food that only ends up in the trash can…

If you are serious about saving money on real food and ready to use a system that actually works, you won't want to miss it. Inside will be an extremely time-sensitive offer for Grocery Budget Bootcamp and it's DEFINITELY an email you will want to open!

I almost didn't enroll in Grocery Budget Bootcamp because of the cost, but I'm so glad I did because I've learned a lot of new things. In just two months I've trimmed my grocery budget by 43%! This course is worth the investment…I saved nearly TEN TIMES what I paid before the course was even over!

– Laura from Indiana

Don't want to join the FREE training? That's ok! Opt out of the Fight Inflation Workshop emails here. No hard feelings. I'll still send you the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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