Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Meal Prep Lunches That Aren't Salads!

Hey there reader!

It's no secret that I'm slightly obsessed with mason jar salads; I discovered them about ten years ago and have been making them weekly since then. That's a lot of salads!

And, you know what's funny? I was never a big salad fan. The only time I'd ever eat a salad is if I ordered one while out to dinner or lunch. So, mason jar salads changed everything, and now I eat a big jar of veggies daily.

This isn't about mason jar salads; this is about lunch ideas that aren't salads.

I get it, not everyone loves salads, or sometimes you want something different.

Good news, I have a few lunch ideas I think you'll like, and you can make them ahead of time

Let's start with meal prep bowls. If you want to cook once and eat lunch all week, then meal prep bowls will work out great. A meal prep bowl takes a recipe and portions it into five bowls. Depending on the recipe, you can enjoy them hot or cold. Here's instructions on making a meal prep bowl from any recipe.

Meal prep bowls are a great way to create a portion-controlled lunch to eat all week. Think homemade lean cuisines.

Here are a few recipes I love turning into meal prep bowls for the week.

Another excellent lunch idea is soup. We eat soup year-round - it's an easy way to get in many veggies. Most of the time, I'll make a big pot of soup and freeze it into portions; this makes for a great grab-and-go lunch during the week.

Here are my favorites:

Another idea is overnight oats; this is more popular for breakfast, but overnight oats are perfect for lunch too. They are easy to make for the week and are filled with whole grains and nutritious ingredients to keep you full and satisfied all afternoon.

Here are a few favorites.

If you try any of these recipes, I'd love you to leave a rating and review on the Organize Yourself Skinny blog and share a picture in the OYS Facebook Group.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ If you're looking for more healthy and delicious lunch recipes to add to your freezer, be sure to check out my Freezer to Flourish Bundle. This bundle is packed with mouth-watering recipes that are not only good for you but also easy to store in your freezer for quick and convenient meals - lunch or dinner!

Have a great weekend!

Tammy Overhoff

Ps. Hey, have you checked out my shop, Reset & Flourish? If not, let me tell you all about it!

At Reset & Flourish, you can find many helpful resources to help you fit a healthier lifestyle into your busy schedule. From freezer prep guides to 10-day challenges and eBooks, there's something for everyone. And that's not all! I'm also creating workshops and courses that will make healthy living more manageable. I'm constantly adding new resources to my shop, so check back often. Check out the Reset & Flourish Shop!

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