Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Break Free from Dieting Hell

Hey reader

Are you tired of feeling trapped in a neverending cycle of dieting hell?

Have you experienced the devastating backlash of restrictive eating, only to find yourself bingeing and feeling like a failure?

Do you dream of a life where food is a source of joy, not guilt? Where you can trust your body and make choices that nourish your mind, body, and soul?

It's time to break free from the dieting cycle and embrace a healthier, happier you!

Our Quit Dieting Forever program is more than just a diet - it's a journey to self-love, self-trust, and freedom from the constant cycle of restriction and bingeing.

With our comprehensive program, you will receive:

- A Guide to quitting dieting and starting your journey to self-love.

- Delicious Recipe eCookbooks to inspire healthy eating.

- Meal Plans and Shopping Lists to make healthy living easy.

- Daily Lessons to guide you towards a healthier mindset.

- Access to our supportive QDF Online Community, where you'll connect with like-minded individuals who understand your struggles and celebrate your successes. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your relationship with food and your body.

Registration for our only Quit Dieting Forever Session of 2024 ends tonight!

Join us today and start living the life you deserve:

Here are some questions we've already been asked about this next session:

"How does this differ from the 30-Day Challenge in terms of meals?"

- Quit Dieting Forever is all new content.

QDF has more freedom and we teach How to incorporate all foods into your lifestyle forever in a helpful way.

Our Challenge program is more goal-focused and a bit more "strict.

However, both programs focus on clean, whole foods and have similar suggestions as far as structure and support.

"What's the goal of this program?"

This program is designed to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, without being constrained to being on a diet ever again.

During this 8-week online course, my team and I will show you exactly how to escape dieting and make a true lifestyle change. 

We dive deep and focus on mindset in this program. 

"What topics will we cover in Quit Dieting Forever?"

Here's a preview of the exact table of contents from the main Quit Dieting Forever guide. 

But that's not it, we're including over 25 eBooks and a Private Facebook Community with Quit Dieting Forever! 

When you join Quit Dieting Forever, you will receive:

- The Quit Dieting Forever eGuide. - 8 weeks of re-learning how we think about food. 

- Traditional Recipe Guide for each month. - You'll never run out of meals to cook!

- Vegetarian Recipe Guide for each month.

- Food Diary. - Easily track your daily intake.

- 8 Weeks of Suggested Traditional Meal Plans and Shopping Lists.

- 8 Weeks of Suggested Vegetarian Meal Plans and Shopping Lists.

- Rachel's Quick Start Guide. - I made sure you can take action on the lessons learned!

- Bonus #1 - A Private Online Community to Share Help and Ideas.

- Bonus #2 - 8 Habits for Building Body Confidence eBook.

- Bonus #3 - Daily Lessons and Motivation from Rachel Maser within the Community.

Sick of the never-ending cycle of diet after diet?  

Want to say goodbye to dieting, and spend the next 60 days becoming a new you?

Here is what just a few of our 2023 QDF Clients said about the program:

"This has been a great focus group for me!  I immediately signed up for another session!  I need this for my mindset change! It has been a real eye opener" - Cyndi 

"Being prepared is half of the process for me. I have to have some foods prepped for the week and even for the weekend otherwise I get "hangry" and eat quick foods that are not supporting my health. I love eating a rainbow of colors! There's a special connection with my mind and body when I'm eating nutrient-rich "real" foods. It creates positive thoughts and a better mood. It's more than just eating healthy. It's a whole body uplifting experience!" - Robyn

"I spent much time and money for 15 years trying to get a handle on my emotional eating. QDF... This is the first time it's finally clicking. I'm finally understanding what my body is trying to tell me.  Cannot wait to continue with another session." - Sue

"We are always looking for a quick fix but in the end, slow and steady wins the race!" - Denise 

Ready to commit to the program and yourself and create your results? 

Quit Dieting Forever is designed to help you find your personal food freedom! 

Our members love enjoying their favorite bliss foods without "cheating" the plan. 

But that's not all... 

My team and I will support you every step of the way through this program for the entire 60 days!

What are you waiting for?! 

It's time to start feeding your body the right way, so you have all the nutrients you need for a day.

Ready for your body to be seen as the amazing machine it truly is?

Ready to Quit Dieting Forever? 

We have listened to your feedback by keeping QDF as affordable as possible and included a payment plan on the program. 

Think of how much money you will save every month with healthier habits!

Now for the catch... 

There is only room for 1,000 Members in Quit Dieting Forever for 2024, and CleanFoodCrush is followed by millions of people online!

So space is limited. 

We want to make sure everyone can get their questions answered and get the attention they require. 

The only way to guarantee that you save your spot for 2024's Quit Dieting Forever Community is to sign up today:

I'm so excited for you to join us and work with my team and me!

Make it a great day!

<3 Rachel

And if you have any questions, just reply and let me know!

My team would love to help you! 

If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020, US

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