Sunday, March 31, 2024

⏰ 24 Hours Until Doors Open + A Special Bonus & Coupon!

Hey there reader!

Can you believe it? We're only 24 hours away from opening the doors to the Reset & Flourish Planner again! I'm super excited, and I hope you are, too.

It's been about a year since I first launched this planner, and wow, it has truly surpassed all my expectations.

Originally, it began as a simple meal planner that I wanted to offer my audience. It was my way of giving access to my recipes without the hassle of navigating through ads and pop-ups, which, let's be honest, can be a bit annoying on recipe blogs – yes, even on mine. Ads are somewhat of a necessary evil in the blogging world, but I knew there had to be a better way for you guys. That's how the Reset & Flourish Planner came to life.

So much can change in a year, right? Over the past 12 months, the Reset & Flourish Planner has grown into something way beyond just an easy way to snag all my recipes.

✅ Now, you get weekly meal plans handcrafted by yours truly. And let me tell you, I absolutely adore putting these together for you!

✅ There's also a weekly email that lands in your inbox with the meal plan plus heaps of tips, alternatives, serving ideas, and a complete guide to meal prep day. I'm here to make sure you're not just getting these plans but really diving into them with all the support you need.

✅ On top of that, you gain access to lessons on meal planning, meal prep, and freezer prep. I've even sprinkled in some lessons on clean eating to help you steer clear of processed foods and embrace the goodness of clean, whole foods.

✅ And let's not forget about the incredible community that comes with it. Seeing everyone whipping up recipes, exchanging their best tips, and sharing their successes is genuinely motivating and inspiring.

πŸ’ And here's the cherry on top, which is pretty huge. You get all these incredible features for just $97.

But, for my VIPs (yup, that's you!) who are part of our exclusive email list, I'm throwing in a special $10 discount. Just use the code: SPRING2024. It's my little way of saying a big thank you for being a part of the Reset & Flourish Community and letting me visit your inbox every week.

πŸ™Œ So, what does this mean for you? You'll snag everything for a one-time fee of just $87. How great is that?

➡️ Oh, and there's just one more thing. As a special bonus, when you grab the planner, you'll also get access to the Reset & Flourish Ultimate Bundle—a handpicked collection of my most beloved digital eBooks and guides. Each piece is crafted to kick-start your journey towards healthier eating habits and a better lifestyle. By the way, this bonus alone is valued at $89!

In this BONUS bundle, you'll find:

πŸ‘‰ The 10-Day Healthy Eating Challenges Kit, which is a game-changer for revamping your lifestyle one eating habit at a time. Just so you know, this is the crowd favorite, boasting over 3000 downloads! It's a hit!

πŸ‘‰ The Reset & Flourish 30-day eBook Bundle is your go-to for igniting your weight loss journey with straightforward strategies that'll make a world of difference. It packs in four weeks of meal plans, exercise challenges, and habit challenges to get you on the right track.

πŸ‘‰ And, the Freezer to Flourish Bundle, because let's face it, who doesn't adore a freezer stocked with healthy meals ready to eat? You'll dive into all my top freezer-friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks.

🀩 Last but not least, let's not forget about the Smoothie Challenge, which will be held exclusively for our community members starting April 15th. It's a fun, delicious way to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet and mix up your routine. Plus, you'll get to share the experience with our supportive community, swapping recipes and tips! It's seriously one of the best ways to start changing your eating habits.

As you can see, the Reset & Flourish Planner is more than recipes and meal plans; it's about making healthy eating the easiest thing you do all week! That's my goal for you!

Make sure to check your email tomorrow morning to be the first to join the Reset & Flourish Planner!

Talk to you soon,

Tammy πŸ’•

Ps. Also, you may already know this… but I'm a real person. Yup, just like you. Head over to my Instagram to learn more about me and see some meal prep recipes and ideas I like to share.

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