Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How I started to Love Clean Food!

Hey reader

Registration for our February 1st 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group is now available! 

BOGO: March 1st Challenge group is FREE when you join us this month.

I gave birth to 4 babies within 5 years. Whoa! It was such an exciting and special time in my life, but also a huge adjustment, living in a body I did not recognize.

During those early years, I thought I was being such a good mom by baking cookies almost every day! 

My family was eating a lot of refined sugars & many pre-packaged foods; (hey, that’s what all the moms on the commercials were doing!) but I felt progressively worse, and worse.

I desperately CRAVED to be one of those moms who just emitted exuberant energy!  The FUN mom!  The happy, healthy & active mom!

In September of 2012, I was ready to transform back into ME. 

So, I began 100 Percent CLEAN EATING. 

Friends started noticing the changes within weeks.

By Christmas, I had lost 30 lbs. 

I was ME again, but MORE. I found confidence, energy, happiness, and a love for life that I hadn’t experienced before.

It wasn’t always easy. In fact, one of the hardest parts of the new plan was eating a larger quantity of food. 

Because the vegetables & lean protein, along with the correct carbs are SO filling, I NEVER felt hungry.

In the past when “dieting” using "fake" processed foods, I would practically starve myself - I thought this was how you were supposed to feel while losing weight, which is why I had always previously failed. 

You can only starve for so long before going back to your old ways.

If you are absolutely FED UP with the way you look and feel.

If you are not willing to wait another month to "maybe make a change..."

If you are READY NOW.

If you KNOW there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing.

If you want to set an example for your children.

My team and I will hold your hand, give you a PLAN that works for LIFE, and encourage you to permanently change your habits.

Start this program one week from today and ROCK this Challenge WITH US! Life is happening NOW!

Our next 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Starts next Tuesday, February 1st.

"This has been the easiest weight loss I have ever had. I tell everyone that I am not on a diet, I just changed what I’m eating. I think this is important because I don’t want my kids to think I’m “dieting”, I’m just eating healthy!" - Carrie

Space is LIMITED and filling up fast already.  It is going to be an amazing 60 days together! 

Don't wait till the last minute to join, commit to yourself NOW!

"For all of you considering joining The Challenge this month, I wanted to pass on our success. My husband joined me for the Challenge, and he lost 20 lbs. I am down 10 lbs. We are committed to continuing our Clean Eating Journey and have signed on for another 30 days. This challenge works if you follow the program, and you WILL feel and look fantastic!! Good luck and trust Rachel Maser!" - Brooke

This is your opportunity to look & feel your best in 2022! 

The purpose of this program is to help people eat healthier, without sacrificing taste, or having to eat complicated, "weird" foods.

Consider it a 30-day crash course in Clean Eating!

In the last 7 years, we have had over 50,000 people go through this program and received thousands of testimonials, so we know this plan works!

With Spring Almost Here, this is the perfect time to get a FRESH START and begin the rest of 2022 with some healthier habits!

Think about how much easier it will be to STICK to your RESOLUTIONS while in a community of others with similar goals! 

Sign up today, and have the time to get familiar with the plan.

You won't have to wait for anything to be shipped to you because our program is sent to your email shortly after ordering.

I want to make sure you are truly inspired to commit to your personal goals today!

We begin Tuesday, February 1st, and specifically timed the dates of this next Challenge to help you start the rest of the year with Clean Eating! 

The group is filling up fast!! I want to make sure you get your spot >>

When you join this month, you will receive:

* 4 Week Clean Eating Guide - During the first week we will Detox all the junk, and in the following 3 weeks, we learn how to eat for life!

* Shopping Lists for the 30 Days & BEYOND!

* Flexible Weekly Menu Plans

* Daily Support - Not cliches about dieting, but REAL facts & advice that works.

* Daily Meal, Mood, & Nutrition Tracker - So helpful!

* Private Online Community - THIS is where the magic happens. 

* A complete 30-day plant-based version of the Challenge

* 10 Bonus E-Cookbooks to help you make the program even more enjoyable!

* Special Bonus - Our March 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group - FREE *

My team and I, (plus a small private group of amazing people doing the challenge just like you) will hold you accountable, be your supporters and cheerleaders. Many people doing the Challenge their 2nd and 3rd time, join us in the group too!

If you have some discipline, are willing to try something different, and want to see the results of resetting your body with natural foods, then I want to work with YOU!

Many REAL Success stories, details, and registration for next month's 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge are available at:

"Before I began the Clean Food Crush 30 Day Challenge, I was feeling absolutely miserable. I was unhappy, had a ton of inflammation and pain, was exhausted all the time, and had a hard time sleeping.

I made a decision to join the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge in May, and since then I have not gone back to how I used to eat before.

The recipes are fantastic and the food prep tips are tremendously helpful. It’s amazing how simply being prepared and having delicious healthy foods always ready to go is really a complete game-changer.

I would tell anyone new to CleanFoodCrush or anyone considering the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge that it is a decision you will not regret." - Laurie

There are a limited amount of spots available so that you receive all the attention YOU deserve.

We begin Tuesday - February 1st, 2022, and registration will be full the group even starts!

I can't wait for my team and I to personally welcome YOU to our Challenge group!

We always have so much fun!



P.S. For all of you considering joining the Challenge this month -

Here is what Julie just shared with our group, 

"I have had amazing success in the first month down 22 pounds. I am a very picky eater and am allergic to wheat and peanut. This is the first program I have ever found that I can easily stick to and I feel better than I have in years. I joined the annual membership in order to continue on this healthy journey. I will add that food prep is key to my success. Good luck everyone. Plan to start feeling amazing after week one!" - Julie

I created this program in order to assist YOU with simplifying Clean Eating forever!

If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020

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