Saturday, January 15, 2022

21-Day Challenge: Week 3 Meal Plan! ๐ŸŽ‰

Hello again!

I hope this email finds you well, and that you've been enjoying the meal ideas & shopping list that I sent you last week. You'll find another set of meal ideas below!

If you missed one of the first 2 weeks, you can grab those here:

Week 1 Meal Ideas

Week 2 Meal Ideas

Dental Surgery Update

Thank you SO MUCH for all of your sweet emails and well wishes for my daughter's dental surgery last week. I read them all, even if I wasn't able to respond!

It was super-hard to keep a 5-year-old fasted until 1:30pm on the day of her surgery (she couldn't even have a sip of water!) but she handled it amazingly well, and is recovering now.

Here's hoping we never have to go through that again. If you ever have to go through something like this, please trust your gut and shop around for a dentist who feels like a good fit for you. We consulted with 3 different pediatric dentists before finding one who's plan seemed reasonable for my daughter. (There were a couple who totally freaked me out with a different game plan!)

P.S. If you have kids, be sure to try the Cake Batter toothpaste from Risewell if you want one with hydroxyapatite. You can get 10% off with my affiliate code: DETOX10 (I use the grown-up minty version and love their floss, too!)

This whole dental experience has totally changed my outlook on oral care, and now I never skip a night of flossing... ever.

Recipes & Meal Ideas

Below, you'll find new recipes that I shared on the website this week, plus your next 7 days of meal ideas! Click here to download Week 3, or click on the image below.

Can you do me a favor? Be sure to visit my website this week and leave a comment & star rating on the recipes you try. I would really appreciate it!

This guide will have you covered for the next 7 days, with a shopping list and meal prep guide.

Feel free to join our free private Facebook group, too. Our community is always helpful and supportive of each other, and is one of my favorite places to be!

New Recipes

If you haven't visited my website recently, here's what you missed:

Overnight Oats. Here's my go-to formula for making overnight oats (which have more resistant starch than cooked oats) and 8 different flavor combinations, so you can have a different version each day of the week.

Healthy Breakfast Bowls. If you want something savory for breakfast, with plenty of veggies, be sure to try these healthy breakfast bowls! You can customize them easily, just like any other bowl-style recipe, to use up what you have on hand.

Sweet Potato Curry. This fan favorite got an update, with more clear directions and step-by-step photos. I can't get enough of this one, and I love how it's made with fast-cooking red lentils for an easy 30-minute meal.

Note: If you have any questions for me, the best place for me to respond is directly in the comments on my website. My email system is having issues with replies lately, so if you emailed me and didn't hear back, that's why! I read comments on my website everyday, so be sure to ask again there if I missed you.

Until next time, I hope you have a great week!


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P.O. Box 7133
Overland Park, KS 66207

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