Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The details of my last sugar binge (very personal)

Picture this.

I'm newly pregnant. 

It's spring of 2020 and the world is going upside down and we're in lock down. We aren't supposed to see friends or family, and we can't travel. 

We're worried about our health and the stress starts to really creep in. 

I no longer need to worry about staying svelte because I'm having a baby, so it is much easier to indulge myself. 

And, boy did I indulge! 

Every night after my daughter went to bed I'd head straight to the pantry to grab a bag of YumEarth Licorice. It's certified organic and has none of those nasty artificial colors found in conventional licorice… but it's still made with LOTS of sugar. 

I would eat almost the WHOLE BAG.

Since I wasn't going to the grocery store, I'd order up more bags on Instacart to make sure my pantry was always stocked. 

This little habit was adding almost 80 GRAMS (or 1/3 cup) of sugar to my diet right before I would go to sleep… which also happens to be the absolute worst time to binge on sugar. 

This came back to bite me earlier this year when I gave birth.

By that time, my sugar addiction was completely OUT OF CONTROL. And, the recovery from childbirth was not as easy for me as it was the first time around because my body was so inflamed. 

I wasn't only sabotaging myself with sugar. I was also ordering take out food often - and even though it was from healthy places - they still use inflammatory vegetable oils to cook their food along with dairy and gluten, which also feeds inflammation in the body.

With a new baby, I obviously had a lack of sleep. Couple that with the stress of continuing to work, as I wasn't able to take a maternity leave.

Now I had not one, but two children, while I was running two businesses. This all took a real toll on my body. 

Allergy season hit me like a ton of bricks. I normally have a few sniffles here and there, but this time I was suffering from eczema breakouts all over my body. 

Every time my baby would touch me with his little nails on my neck and my face, it would cause an inflammatory break out. 

I had huge welts on my skin from my chest up.

My son's pediatrician told me I needed to change my diet - remove all inflammatory foods like sugar. I knew she was right, but I really didn't want to. 

I was sleep deprived, working two jobs, and breastfeeding - which makes you SO HUNGRY. 

I was told the only other alternative was to go on pharmaceutical steroids (Prednisone) to reduce my eczema and inflammation.

But this wasn't going to solve my issue for good - I needed to address the root cause…which was my sugar addiction. 

This is when push came to shove. 

I told myself: I'm the Food Babe. 

I know what I need to do... 

I need to stop being weak and take control of my diet.


One night I just did it. 

I went cold turkey. No more sugar, dairy, or gluten. (My husband was shocked)

Not only did my eczema clear up in 20 days, but I lost all the pregnancy weight that I had put on a few months after that, which was an amazing side benefit.

Now, the idea of eating all those candies disgusted me. 

I had all the tools already in my back pocket…

I used my 7-Day Sugar Detox Program to help get myself back on track. 

I knew this program would work to reset my cravings for sugar.

After all, over 5,000 other people have benefited from this program and their positive reviews were starting me in the face. 

This can happen to anyone. It took hearing it from someone else and the threat of prescription drugs to finally get me to take care of myself by going on a sugar detox.

Food is medicine. That is why this Sugar Detox is so life changing and why I want you to have it too:

Sign up soon if you'd like to try this. (Closes Monday, 1/3/22)



P.S. I'll be going on Instagram Live tomorrow, Thursday, December 30th at 3:00pm EST to discuss more details on how I broke free from sugar and to answer your questions about the Sugar Detox. I invite you to come join me there too! Follow me @TheFoodBabe and don't forget to tune in. 

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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