Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Success doesn't happen by accident

organize yourself skinny

Hey there reader,

Throughout my weight loss journey, and even with owning a business, I've had people say to me over and over again, "You're so lucky" or "This seems easy for you" or "I wish I could do that" or something of that nature.

Often, I find statements like this annoying, confusing, and sometimes offensive.

Here's the thing, once someone reaches the point of being viewed as "successful," it's easy to forget the blood, sweat, tears, and many failures it took to get to that point.

Success doesn't happen by accident, and luck certainly has nothing to do with it.

Success happens because someone planned for it. Success happens because someone has a vision and sets goals. Success happens because someone persists and overcomes many obstacles. Success happens because someone is willing to fail and still get back up again.

By the way, that someone can be you reader. Just saying. I think anyone, regardless of their circumstances, can change their life.

Listen, I know it can be overwhelming and sometimes discouraging when trying to eat healthier and put in place other weight loss habits, especially at the beginning.

But keep this in mind. Even the most successful person on the planet started on Day 1. And many of us, myself included, have fallen off track throughout our entire journey. That's the road to success.

Hopefully, I've convinced you that success doesn't happen by accident, nor is it reserved for the chosen few.

If you're ready to work towards success, then here are some tips that I've practiced to achieve success in all areas of my life - including losing weight.

Get in the right frame of mind.

Changing your lifestyle requires you to have a completely different mindset. Not only do you have to wrap your brain around new habits and routines, but you need to open your mind up to the new possibilities that are waiting out there.

Think about it; if you do what you always do, then you're going to get what you always get. If you think differently, you will do different things.

Here's a post I wrote about changing your mindset to attract weight loss into your life. It's one of my favorites. I believe this is the first step in any lifestyle change.

Stay Disciplined

Motivation gets you started, but habit keeps you going. At some point, sooner rather than later, the motivation will wear off - this is when discipline needs to kick in so you can keep moving forward on your goals.

Self-discipline is vital because it means that you will do what needs to get done even when you have no desire to do it.

Here's a post I wrote on becoming disciplined in your weight loss journey.

In my experience, and opinion, I feel self-discipline is essential to achieving success. You must consistently work towards your goals every day - not once in a while when you feel motivated 👈 read again.


Of course, planning is on the list. Behind every accomplishment was a plan to get there. If your trying to lose weight, then your plan should answer these questions:

  • How much should I eat?
  • What should I eat?
  • When should I eat?
  • How will I prepare food ahead of time?
  • What exercises will I do?
  • When will I exercise?
  • How will I stay out of the hot zones?

Keep in mind; your plan will evolve. Also, don't feel like you need to figure out the answers to these questions in a day. It takes time to create a plan, and as I said, that plan will change as you do.

Browse through our big Lifestyle & Weight Loss Category to find posts to help you put in place the best weight loss routines.

Achieving success is a reality for everyone - but it doesn't just happen by accident. You need to take an active part in your life to experience the rewards success has to offer.

Have a great rest of the week.

Tammy Overhoff

Organize Yourself Skinny

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