Monday, December 27, 2021

If you’re serious about making changes in 2022, read this!

organize yourself skinny

Hey there reader,

​Before I jump into our email today, I want to remind you that enrollment is open for the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse and is 50% off. Use code newyears2021 at checkout to enroll for $63.

​By the way, this one-time low price includes everything, even over $500 in bonuses! Enrollment closes on December 31st and won't open again until Spring! Learn more, and enroll in the Organize Yourself eCourse here.​​

​Can you believe 2022 is less than a week away?! That's complete craziness.

Anyway, this means we have only a few days before our New Year's resolutions go into effect.

Of course, I believe we can make significant life changes at any time of the year. Heck, I started my weight loss journey eleven years ago on October 10th and lost most of my weight during the busy holiday season.

And, trust me, if I can do it then, you can do it any time of the year.

However, I don't want to disregard New Year's resolutions. I know resolutions help many people (including me) get into the right mindset to start the New Year fresh and ready for big and small changes.

The only issue with New Year's Resolutions is most of them crash and burn by the 1st week.

Raise your hand if you're guilty. Me too. Trust me; I've had my fair share of failed resolutions.

Fortunately, I've learned some lessons along the way.

My most significant piece of advice, especially if you're serious about losing weight, is to plan.

The worst thing you can do is wake up on January 1st with zero plans. Trust me; you'll start to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by 9:00 am.

So, take this week to start getting ready for any changes you want to make in 2022 - this will help you begin the New Year prepared.

Being prepared helps you feel confident and more likely to follow through on your resolutions.

Here are some things you can do to get ready for a healthier lifestyle in 2021:

Get on the scale and take pictures.

Please don't kill me! Yes, I know we're just coming off the holidays. But here's the thing, we can't change what we don't know.

I stayed in denial for decades and, trust me; it didn't do me any favors.

Plus, think how good it will feel to see that number on the scale go down and that person in the picture change throughout the year. Trust me; it's aaamazing!

πŸ‘‰ One of my biggest regrets was not taking pictures of my progress. So please learn from my mistakes and take some pictures. πŸ‘ˆ

Sign up for My Fitness Pal.

One of the biggest game-changers for me was keeping a food journal. I started with My Fitness Pal 11 years ago and still use it today.

Over the next few days, take some time to put all your stats into MFP so you can start the New Year knowing how much food to eat to reach your weight loss goals.

It'll also helps to play around with My Fitness Pal, so you're familiar with everything come January 1st.

Clean out the refrigerator, pantry, and freezer. \

Not only do you need to get rid of trigger foods, but you need to make room for all of the healthier foods too.

The goal is to see healthy foods when you walk into the kitchen. Of course, this might take a little more time, but it's worth it when done.

Trust me; you'll feel so relieved when you can look into a clean, organized refrigerator.

Put together a meal plan and go grocery shopping.

Think of your meal plan as a food road map. It tells you what to buy and eat for the week.

This doesn't need to be complicated, but it does need to list out what you'll eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

I recommend grocery shopping on Friday or Saturday, so ingredients are ready for meal prep on Sunday.

Carve out a block of time on Sunday to prepare some meals for the week.

Remember to start the first week of the New Year with healthy foods ready to eat.

​Having food ready will make it so much easier to eat healthily. Not to mention you'll add more time into your week and feel less stressed.

Get the week organized.

Have laundry washed, folded, and put away. Review your schedule so there are no surprises. Clean up and get rid of any clutter (for example, mail on the kitchen counter).

Taking the time to get organized will make the difference between those who succeed and struggle with losing weight.

If you need some guidance and structure, then check out the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse.

​I have an entire lesson on getting started with your weight loss journey.

You can take a peek at all the modules and bonuses here.

If you decide this is a good fit, then make sure to use code newyears2021 at checkout.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reply and ask. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Have a great day!


Organize Yourself Skinny

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