Monday, December 27, 2021

I can't believe this happened to me

I want to tell you a story about something that happened to me earlier this year that was completely life-changing.

Honestly, at first I wasn't sure if I wanted to share such a personal story about something I struggle with, but decided that it's too important not to share.

If it only helps one person, it's worth it.

This past year has been hard on me, and I know many of you too. I have lost many loved ones and continue to be completely in awe of everything that is happening around us.

I wake up everyday and think - is this really happening?

As you may know, I became pregnant with my second child in 2020. I spent most of my pregnancy cooped up in the house, not really really going anywhere like the rest of us.

I normally take trips with my family several times a year and that all came to a screeching halt.

I wasn't spending as much time with like-minded people.

I was really missing my friends who lived far away and felt socially isolated. 

That is when my nemesis came back to bite me.


I've always loved sweets, but especially after I gave birth (almost exactly one year ago!) I really went down the rabbit hole. 

Just like when I was a child, I began eating candy every day…the only difference is that now it was organic.

I was eating organic licorice, Giggles (which are like organic Skittles), pastries from my favorite bakery, you name it.

If it had sugar, it had my name all over it. Yes, it was organic sugar. But this is when organic doesn't matter. Sugar wreaks havoc on the human body. 

I was eating sugar after every meal, I was looking forward to it every night after my kids went to bed. It became an addiction. (Researchers have proved sugar is more addictive than cocaine!). 

My body began to retaliate and went into overdrive.

My eczema came back so bad that I couldn't see through my eyes because they were itchy and red all the time.

This made it near impossible to do my work - I couldn't be on video or camera to showcase our latest Truvani product, I didn't want to take any pictures, and I just wanted to hide.

The allergy season in March hit me like no other. I felt awful! 

I talked to my child's pediatrician about it, and she told me what I already knew but was afraid to admit to myself...  I was inflamed by all the sugar I was eating.

She said I needed to clean up my diet ASAP, but I gave her every excuse in the book. I didn't want to give up sugar, because I knew it would be hard. I was in the middle of breastfeeding, always hungry - I couldn't imagine starting a diet right in the middle of taking care of my newborn. 

But after looking at myself in the mirror after several weeks with no improvement, I knew I had to make a change. 

I hit rock bottom. It was time. And it was like a light switch went off in my brain. I went cold turkey.

To help me, I pulled out my 7-Day Sugar Detox and started making the recipes. A taste of my own medicine if you will!

I eliminated most dairy, gluten, and all sugar from my diet. And my symptoms disappeared within 20 days. 

For breakfast I'd eat the No-Sugar Granola and a Truvani shake with collagen and protein + greens.

For dinner, I'd make as many sugar-free options like Turkey Kale Soup as much as possible and everyone at my house was eating the same way. 

The real food lifestyle is great, but even people who are the best at knowing how to eat healthy can fall off the bandwagon. This is why I developed the Sugar Detox program, so that I can help others get on the bandwagon again, and also help myself.

This sugar detox was the best thing I'd done for my health in a long time. I reset my palette. I started having more energy and finally felt good. It was a big reminder that diet is so powerful. 

I was so gung ho and excited about how life-changing this was for me that I gave everyone on the Truvani team access to my Sugar Detox Program - and they loved it. 

Now I want to open it up for you too.

For the first time in two years, I am offering my entire Sugar Detox program at a special 2022 price. For a one-time payment of $29.99, you get lifetime access to the recipes I use, my meal plan, and ALL of my advice on breaking an addiction to sugar. 

Get the program for only $29.99 when you CLICK HERE. This program will close on Monday January, 3rd. 

This program is designed so that you can start it at any time and repeat it however many times you like. It's very flexible. 

I believe that cutting out sugar is one of the best things you can do for your health - let me guide you through this process and help change your life. 

I am proof, and over 10,000 others agree - this works and I am so happy to offer it to you today.




P.S. If you know anyone who struggles with sugar and would love this, please forward this email to them! 


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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