Sunday, December 5, 2021

Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Cookbooks, Spices, Tinned Lobster, Slippers, Sunglasses, 50+ Children's Books & More

Holiday Gift Guide

Friends, remember last year, when I hoped this year's gift guide would be about travel and adventure? Well, unfortunately, that hasn't panned out.

Ben and I had a few trips planned this past year, including one to Italy in September. It was going to be a big pizza-eating extravaganza in Rome and Naples, and I was going to take lots of pizza + travel notes. But as the date approached and as travel restrictions tightened, we worried, and then we canceled.

Alas. Maybe next year?

As always, this year's gift guide is meant to inspire if nothing else. I hope your holiday shopping is going well. If you have any gifts you are excited about this year, please share in the comments. I love hearing your ideas.

Also, I've compiled all of the children's book suggestions from the comments of last year's gift guide at the end of this post — 50+ ideas!

PS: I've been living on these black lentils with spinach so fast and tasty.

Black lentils with spinach.

Happy Cooking,

Alexandra Stafford

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