Sunday, December 5, 2021

Have you seen the holiday death aisle yet?

If you do one thing this holiday season – avoid what I call "The Holiday Death Aisle" at the supermarket and discount drug stores. 

This is the aisle stocked with festive JUNK... 
...Holiday treats filled with Artificial Colors derived from petroleum, nasty preservatives like TBHQ, Artificial Flavors, GMO Corn Syrup, GMO Soybean Oil, and the absolute worst ingredients you can put in food.
Food manufacturers know they can get away with selling you the cheapest ingredients during this time of year because they can tap into the nostalgia of the holiday season and the idea that "it's just once a year" – but really it's ALL YEAR.

Almost immediately after they clear the Halloween candy from the shelves, grocery stores stock up on Christmas candy and all the fast food places come out with "holiday drinks"… and then comes Valentine's Day… and then Easter… and it really just keeps going in an endless cycle of toxic seasonal treats.

It's not just the candy manufacturers who have a heyday creating products full of toxins in the name of the holidays. I saw these during my recent visit to the Holiday Death Aisle at my local grocery store:

Duncan Hines EPIC Cookie Kits might look fun, but the ingredients aren't fun at all…
  • TITANIUM DIOXIDE: This food "whitener" is considered no longer safe to eat by scientists at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based on their review of hundreds of scientific studies showing that it has genotoxic effects. This means it has the ability to damage DNA, leading to cancer.
  • ARTIFICIAL COLORS: Dyes derived from petroleum, linked to several health issues, including allergies and hyperactivity in children, which require a warning label in Europe. Recent research shows they may also disrupt the immune system.
  • CARRAGEENAN: A thickener and emulsifier linked to digestive issues and cancer.
  • SODIUM ALUMINUM SULFATE: Contains aluminum which is linked to Alzheimers.
  • POTASSIUM SORBATE: This preservative has been shown to be genotoxic to white blood cells, which could lead to cancer.
And then I saw this...
It saddens me that this cereal has become so popular this time of year and that children everywhere are eating these chemicals for breakfast.

Can you imagine what would happen if everyone stopped buying Kellogg's cereals because of the nasty ingredients they use?

I'll tell ya what would happen…

They would be forced to change their ways.
This is why I always say to stop supporting companies who poison us for profit. Vote with your dollars! This is the fastest and most effective way to force change.

Are you supporting the junk food companies selling us cheap ingredients that promote obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes?

Or, are you supporting companies who are doing the right things and use healthy organic ingredients?

Really think about this, because every choice you make impacts the world around you!
I'm not saying you shouldn't have festive treats, but you don't need to subject your body to controversial ingredients to celebrate the holidays. 
Years ago, I stopped buying super-processed holiday candies, cookies and treats, and started supporting organic brands who don't use awful ingredients. I also started the tradition of making seasonal treats with real whole food organic ingredients at home instead – and I've never looked back!
Here are a few of my favorite homemade holiday treats:
I hope you enjoy making these treats with your loved ones! Here's to a healthy holiday season for us all. 

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