Thursday, December 9, 2021

Got a Problem? Census Bureau TOP Summit May Have an App or Tool to Solve It

TOP Summit to feature nearly 30 new tech tools. Learn more in this America Counts story.
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America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

The Opportunity Project Summit
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Got a Problem? Census Bureau TOP Summit May Have an App or Tool to Solve It

Two tech companies, Google, LLC and Carto, collaborated with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to create an online map using census, and rent and mobile device data that allows local governments to analyze COVID-19 migration patterns across the United States.

Another tech platform, Edquity, partnered with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CDPB) to create a program (using U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Treasury rental assistance data) to help local governments quickly verify rental assistance eligibility, batch process applications, distribute payments and increase efficacy of disbursements over time.

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The program uses the Urban Institute's rental assistance prioritization index to enable housing authorities and rental assistance providers to target their most vulnerable communities first.

These are among 30 tools set to debut at TOP Summit, a free, virtual event the U.S. Census Bureau is hosting Dec. 13-15. All were created as part of The Opportunity Project (TOP), an initiative of the Census Open Innovation Labs (COIL) which brings government, technologists, and communities together to use federal data to solve some of the nation's greatest challenges.

Continue reading to learn more about:

  • What challenges did TOP tackle this year?
  • Sample of products being showcased
  • Want to see more?
  • Want to get involved?

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