Thursday, December 9, 2021

FDA Releases Plan, Independent Review to Improve Foodborne Outbreak Response

US Food and Drug Administration
New Era of Smarter Food Safety

New Era of Smarter Food Safety

FDA Releases Plan, Independent Review to Improve Foodborne Outbreak Response

December 9, 2021

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released the Foodborne Outbreak Response Improvement Plan to enhance the speed, effectiveness, coordination, and communication of investigations into outbreaks of foodborne illness. The plan was informed by an independent review of the FDA's structural and functional capacity to support, participate in, or lead multistate foodborne illness outbreak investigation activities.

The plan is intended to work in concert with FDA's New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint, which outlines specific approaches the FDA will take over the next decade to address food safety in the rapidly changing food system.

Focused on outbreaks associated with human food, the plan is divided into four priority areas: tech-enabled product traceback, root cause investigations, analysis and dissemination of outbreak data, and operational improvements.

In early 2022, a webinar will be held to walk stakeholders through the plan and to respond to questions. 

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