Thursday, December 30, 2021

Commit to Change or Stay Where You’re At

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Hey there reader!

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve - many of us will commit to becoming better versions of ourselves starting in 2 short days.

Some of us will succeed, and some won't. Sorry, it's just the way it is.

But you know what?

You have a lot more control over the outcome than you think.

I say this because readers often tell me they want to change their life but can't. Or they tried, and "it didn't work."

It's not that they didn't want to lose weight, but some other outside circumstance got in their way. What they're saying is, "it's not my fault I can't lose weight."

Listen, I get it, and I was the queen of excuses. But, I'm going to give you a little tough love here.

It's essential to think about whether or not you want to make lifestyle changes.

Yes, you want to lose weight and probably think about it often. But are you ready to make changes that you'll keep for the rest of your life?

Are you ready to choose the treadmill over the couch?

Are you prepared to choose homemade over take-out?

And are you prepared to continue all those habits even when life becomes stressful?

Think about it.

I ask this because it wasn't until I got out of my way that I made real, sustainable changes and finally lost weight.

  • As I said, I had an excuse for everything.
  • I'm too busy at work, so I don't have time to work out.
  • I'm too stressed at work, so I don't feel like exercising or cooking, so let's order a pizza.
  • My kids are young, so I can't leave them to exercise, plus I have zero energy.
  • I don't have time to cook, exercise, etc.
  • I'm sick, so I want to lay in bed and do nothing; who cares what I eat.
  • Meal prep takes too long, so I'll order lunch.
  • I hurt my knee, so I can't run this week.
  • My family isn't being supportive, so why bother.
  • I can't get to the grocery store so forget about eating healthy this week.

And the list goes on and on and on. Sure I wanted to lose weight, but I didn't want to do the work. I let my circumstances and excuses control my actions.

Does this sound familiar?

Here's the thing, and I've said this before, change only happens with change.

You're not going to get different results going into the New Year, making the same unhealthy habits you've done for years. <-- read that again!

And more importantly, you're not going to make sustainable changes by doing something different for a couple of weeks and then going back to old habits.

It doesn't work that way. Consistency is key, and it's the #1 thing you need to lose weight and keep it off.

So the advice I gave myself back then, and what I'm saying to you now, as we go into 2022, is either commit to making a change or accept where you're at.

Don't go in head full and then fall back on old excuses that keep you from achieving your goals.

Create a plan that helps keep you moving forward despite those obstacles.

Seriously, think about what life would be like if you finally made those changes…

  • Imagine having a healthy dinner on the table every night.
  • Imagine feeling energized, focused, and confident because you prioritized exercise.
  • Imagine feeling sexy and beautiful because you fit into the clothes you want to wear.
  • Imagine not crying when trying on a bathing suit. Just saying...been there.
  • Imagine your kiddos trying to be healthy just like their mommy.
  • Imagine if you finally committed to all of the changes and accomplished your goals.

This isn't a pipe dream. You can do this, and I know you can because I did!

But you must commit to change.

Life is always going to be busy, and I'm pretty sure it will get stressful at some point. That's just the way it goes.

But instead of letting those excuses hold you down, create a lifestyle that allows you to move forward despite them.

The point I want you to take away from this is that despite your circumstances, if you want to make changes, then you have the control to do so.

You are in control of yourself. Sure, life throws us lemons, and some days are a struggle, but I truly 100% without a doubt believe that we are stronger than even our darkest moments.

So you decide, commit to change or accept where you're at.

The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse can help if you're ready for change.

It includes eight modules and 31 lessons teaching you everything I know about creating healthy habits and routines.

It also includes the Organize Yourself Skinny eBook and 30-day Workbook. This consists of 4 weeks of habit challenges, exercise routines, and make-ahead meal plans.

It includes five additional weeks of meal and exercise plans, eCookbooks of my favorite make-ahead meals, and a getting started checklist.

You'll also get access to the highly supportive FB group exclusively for students.

The information in this course changed my life, and I know it can do the same for you.

If you decide to join us, use coupon code newyears2021 to get everything for only $64.

This is just a reminder that enrollment closes on December 31st at 11:59 pm Pacific and won't open again until Spring.


Organize Yourself Skinny

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