Saturday, June 4, 2022

Zucchini Involtini + The Farm Share Newsletter

Zucchini Involtini

A few days ago I made zucchini involtini using the first local summer squash of the season. I filled the roasted zucchini slices with a simple ricotta filling seasoned with lemon zest and salt, and I made my first fresh tomato sauce of the season using non-local, so-so tomatoes, which tasted surprisingly fresh and bright despite the iffy tomatoes (more on this soon).

Friends, the little parcels tasted so good — the lemon zest really shines — and the whole exercise made me so excited for the impending summer produce season as well as for my favorite season: farm share season!

Depending on where you live, your farm share (or CSA) may have long started or you may be lucky enough to subscribe to one year round. I pick up my first share of the season on Tuesday, and just like last year, I'll be sending out a weekly email geared toward managing the weekly delivery of vegetables with tips for storing vegetables as well as with seasonal recipes given the week's delivery.

If you'd like to sign up for this Tuesday newsletter, do so here:

Farm Share Newsletter

This year, I'll be sending the email out via Substack. I like the Substack format because it allows all of the newsletters to live in one place — by the end of the season, the archives will act as a mini website dedicated solely to the subject of farm shares and CSAs. I think ultimately this will make for a more friendly user experience.

I'll be sending out one email tomorrow morning on the three core tenets of successful farm sharing, and from there on out one email a week. Hope you all will join along!

In Case You Missed It

Happy Cooking,

Alexandra Stafford

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