Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My 5 My Best Tips To Set Your Week Up for Success

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Hey there reader,

How is your week going? Have you stayed on track with food and exercise, or are ice cream and the couch calling your name still?

Don't worry; I won't judge. We've all been on both sides of the fence.

My motto is this...don't try to make good choices 100% of the time; aim for 75 - 80% instead. I don't feel it's realistic to be perfect every day, all day. Life happens, and we are human.

If we set ourselves up with unrealistic expectations, we are ultimately setting ourselves up for failure.

That's not to say you shouldn't have discipline and challenge yourself. Change only happens with change.

I'm saying to focus on making healthy choices but don't beat yourself up when you slip and eat a Reese PB cup.

I do believe that when you make good choices (healthy food, exercise, sleep, etc.), more often than not, you will stay on track and achieve your weight loss goals.

The best way to make healthy choices is to set yourself up for success each week.

Here are some of the things I do.

Create a weekly meal plan.

Do I sound like a broken record? Sorry, but planning out your meals and snacks for the week is essential!

Think of your meal plan as your food road map. This helps you be intentional with the food you eat. A meal plan also creates organization for your grocery list and will keep you from impulse buying in the cookie aisle.

I know weekends are busy, but it will serve you well to find some time to write out the food you and your family will eat during the week.

Now you don't need to create Pinterest-perfect recipes. Heck no! Just write out the foods you will eat every day.

My advice is to plan out breakfast, lunch, dinners, and snacks. Many people just plan dinners, but you need to pay attention to every meal when trying to lose weight.

Meal planning can be as simple as using a pen and paper. However, if you have many recipes saved or need a better way to organize your meal plan, I highly recommend checking out Plan to eat.

With Plan to Eat, you can drag and drop recipes into the menu planner, save all those menus for future use, generate grocery lists, keep track of meals in the freezer, and even organize your pantry. It's a fantastic website. They offer a 30-day free trial, so take a peek and see what you think.

Carve out time to prep some meals and snacks.

Of course, meal prep is going to be on this list. Meal prep is the #1 piece of advice I give to anyone looking to change their eating habits. It's 100% easier to eat healthy during the week when healthy food is available and ready to eat.

I recommend setting time aside on a Sunday morning to prep food for the week. Always remember this...even a little bit of meal prep can go a long way. Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to prep an entire weekly meal plan in one afternoon. Choose the meals that would make the most significant impact on your week if made ahead of time.

For example, if you struggle to eat a healthy breakfast, then put together some oatmeal, breakfast burritos, or smoothie kits.

Look at my schedule and plugin 4-5 days of exercise.

Another thing I do is get out my phone, look at my calendar for the week, and decide which days I will exercise. Then I add those times to my phone like any other appointment I have.

Scheduling keeps me intentional with exercise. Like you, my weeks are busy, and the time I have to exercise is minimal, so to keep exercise a priority, I schedule it in. I also set reminders on my phone, so I get that little push to get up and ready for my workout.

Have my exercise gear washed and ready for the week.

Nothing annoys me more than being motivated to exercise and then discovering all of my workout gear is dirty. As pathetic as it sounds, that alone will make me ditch a workout. So to keep exercise a priority, I make sure all of my exercise clothes are clean for the week.

I make Monday count.

I like to start Monday with a bang. I try to never skip a workout and I make it a priority to start the week with a healthy breakfast and lots and lots of water throughout the day.

I do everything I can to make healthy choices all day long. I think we should all try for 95% healthy food and exercise choices on Mondays. I feel confident this sets the tone for the rest of the week.

Okay, those are a few things I do to set myself up for success during the week. I try to get everything done by Sunday night to start Monday with my feet on the ground running. I know I'm more likely to keep the momentum going when I have a great start to the week, and I know you will too.

Click below to read more about the habits I do on Sunday to get ready for the week.

Talk to you soon,

Tammy Overhoff

Organize Yourself Skinny

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