Monday, August 30, 2021

Stats for Stories: August & September 2021

Official U.S. stats to help you tell stories about Back to School, Hurricane Season, Summer, Preparedness, Wilderness and more.
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August & September 2021


Many students are heading Back to School today. Hurricane Season continues with Ida in Mississippi after battering Louisiana. Summer 2021 is winding down. September is Preparedness Month and Wilderness Month. Next Monday is Labor Day.


Back to School 2021: August

The October 2018 Current Population Survey found 76.8 million total students enrolled in school, which is 24.6 percent of the population 3 years and older.

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2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season: June 1-November 30

The U.S. Census Bureau's OnTheMap for Emergency Management offers real-time access to data about the people living and working in areas affected by hurricanes.

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Summer: June 20-September 22

In the U.S., summer 2021 began with the Summer Solstice on June 20th and ends with the Autumnal Equinox on September 22nd. DYK, the Dog Days of Summer are from July 3rd to August 11th?

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National Preparedness Month: September

When major disasters strike, visit the Census Bureau's Emergency Management page to access demographic and economic data for the impacted areas.

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National Wilderness Month: September

The 1964 Wilderness Act created the National Wilderness Preservation System, which now includes 803 areas (111,696,927) in 44 states and Puerto Rico.

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Labor Day: September 6

The 2019 American Community Survey estimated 113.9 million full-time, year-round civilian employed population 16 years and over in the U.S., up from 94.7 million in 2010.

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All Stats for Stories for August 2021:

All Stats for Stories for September 2021:

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About Stats for Stories

Stats for Stories (SFS) links you to U.S. Census Bureau statistics about current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. These newsworthy and timely stats will help bring your stories to life.

This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (  

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