Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Is your sourdough fake? ๐ŸŒฟ

Hi There,


Sourdough bread is amazing: that tart complex flavor is leagues above anything you can make with baker's yeast. More than that, it tends to be more nutritious and easier to digest than regular bread.


And, while you can (and should) make your own, it's definitely time-intensive to maintain a starter and bake on the regular. That's probably why sourdough sales have skyrocketed in the past few years.


But, here's the thing: Most sourdough you buy at the grocery store is fake. 


Sure, you might get that sour flavor, but you're missing ALL the benefits of true, slow-fermented sourdough. Benefits like easier digestion, higher folate content, increased bioavailability of minerals, and so on.


Here's what you should watch out for:

  • Vinegar in the ingredient list. Fake sourdough usually gets its flavor from added vinegar (sometimes called acetic acid on the ingredient list). This is a short-cut that mimics the flavor of sourdough without the long fermentation period that makes sourdough so nutritious.
  • Yeast in the ingredient list. True sourdough bread is leavened through a wild starter made with just flour and water, and so there's no need for yeast. Fake sourdough needs baker's yeast to make it rise. (Some sourdough pastries need a boost from extra yeast, though.)
  • It contains dough conditioners. These are additives are often used in industrial bread baking, and aren't present in true, artisanal sourdough.

Instead, true sourdough bread only contains a few ingredients: flour and salt. Simple, right? Some sourdough bread will also list starter culture (which is just flour and water.)


You're more likely to find true sourdough at a local bakery than a super market. So look there, first. 


We're also big fans of Wild Grain, which delivers a box of real deal, true sourdough to your doorstep every month. If you try it, use coupon code NOURISHEDKITCHEN for $10 off your first box. 


Happy Baking!


Jenny McGruther, NTP
Nourished Kitchen


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