Sunday, October 27, 2024

Want to reset after all the Halloween goodies?

Hey reader

Our next 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge Starts Monday - November 4th!

This next Challenge group includes the December Challenge community at no extra cost.  

This is your last chance to start AND complete 2 back to back Challenges in 2024. 

Want results in 2025? 

Here's your chance for a head start, which will make January so much easier!

Unfortunately, this is the time of year when many people forget about their health & fitness goals.

It’s getting colder and darker earlier, and every weekend, there seems to be some sort of party or holiday dinner.

All factors that make it harder to stay motivated and eat clean.

Then January hits, gyms fill up, and everyone "resolves" to be better.

It's a predictable pattern, but it's one many of us keep repeating. (I know I used to do it too!)

That's why right now is the best time to get ahead of those resolutions and start the new year with new habits already implemented.

No matter when you start weight loss will have obstacles.

There will always be opportunities to break your plan and go off track.

But that doesn't make it impossible to get results — especially if you have support and accountability to support you when you hit roadblocks.

The goal of our 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is to help you reach your personal goals, and most importantly, develop strategies and tactics for staying on track no matter what situation you find yourself in.

By joining us now, you’ll have support from our CFC team and our community to help you navigate the holidays, so you go into 2025 with a massive head start.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with waiting till January to get started.

But the longer you wait, the longer it’ll take to get the body you want… so why wait?

Start November with Clean Eating Recipes and a Plan that Works.

Are you with me?

Want to feel your best before the holidays start?! You still have time!

Many of our previous students have noticed reduced sugar cravings, weight loss, & shrinking waistlines by following this plan.

More importantly, they simply feel better and have a lot more energy for their family!

Several inspiring REAL stories were shared inside our Clean Food Challenge Group:

1. "I haven't followed the plan exactly, I use it as a guide and choose from the recipes. I do follow the recipes, and portions and eat 3 meals and two snacks. I've lost 13 pounds! Rachel's program is amazing - the best money I have ever spent! I've bought so many meal plans and this is the only one that works for me. The fb group has been so amazing and helpful and motivating and the fact she responds to us and helps us. I think that is key to keeping people on track." - Amber R.

2. "All I can say is...I'm so thankful for stumbling upon Rachel's program....I really love eating healthy, but I never took the time to figure out the combinations!! I already knew the difference in how I felt when I ate clean, but having variety is key!!  :) I did sign up for a year, on day one, because I believed this was the lifestyle I wanted to lead!! Thankful for all of YOU!!" - Joy C. 

3. "You don't need to count calories, if you just follow Rachel's plan and eat healthy, with some portion control as we learned to do in week 1! That's why this lifestyle is so sustainable. I have lost 20 lbs and 2 sizes in 2 1/2 months, NOT counting calories. I was following a green smoothie cleanse program before but got tired of it. This is so much better!" - Sandy S.

Our Next 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge Starts in only a few days!

Learn more about how you can join us here -

Do you want my team and I to answer your questions & keep you accountable to your health goals for 30 days?

How about 60 days?

With our Trick or Treat BOGO Sale, you're going to get 2 months of our support and accountability for the price of one!

I want to make sure you are truly inspired to commit to your personal goals today!

We start Monday, November 4th, and specifically timed the dates of this next challenge to help you form some new habits while enjoying the holidays. 

There's still time in 2024 to hit your goals! 

The group is filling up fast!! I want to make sure you get your spot.

Join today so that you have the time to download and review the program, shop, and prep early

Here are some thoughts from a few of our members:

"Join, join, join!! The ideas, the encouragement, the support is so worth it!!" - Ann

"I've been a member for 8 months while I have the tools and info to follow the plan I feel the accountability of the group makes all the difference." - Jenn

"This will be my seventh challenge, & have lost 50 lbs so far. I would buy a lifetime membership if available! I never want to go back to processed, GMO, sugar hell again." - Liz

Join today and you will have plenty of time to download the program, shop, and prep.

Register Now >>

This is the best time of year to make a change!

Let's get back on track together. 

Halloween is almost here, and that means the family holidays are right around the corner!

For many of us, it's been quite a while since we've seen our family and friends from afar.

It will feel better showing up to the family holiday table with tons of energy, and confidence.

I want to look + feel my BEST before the cold weather hits.

It's so much more fun going to family parties, and social gatherings with tons of energy, and confidence.

Are you with me!?! 

Let's start together next week!

"My husband and I have lost 17 lbs each and are feeling so much better. This plan works if you stick to it and make it a way of life. It's not a "diet." - Tammy

Are you feeling bloated, tired, and/or exhausted? 

That's how I feel when I'm not following a plan.

Want my team and I to guide you on a meal plan that works? 

Our next 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge starts November 4th,

You still have time to download the program, shop, and prep.

Learn more today at:

* Special Fall Bonus - Our December 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge Group is FREE when you join us for November! *

If you have wanted to join us for this month's Clean Eating Challenge, there are only a few hours left to register. 

Research estimates we’re 95% more likely to reach our goals if we have extra support!

One thing's for certain …Our team will be here for you — all month long.

Every day, we'll be here with recipes, new plans, with something to inspire you, encourage you, educate you… and help you stay on track with your health and weight loss goals, too.

This entire community is focused on similar goals, and we will achieve more, TOGETHER before the holidays even start!

Many people have reported that after following the 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge:

  • Their Brain fog has gone away.
  • Chronic headaches have become less frequent. 
  • Daily aches and pains have been significantly reduced or even non-existent. 
  • Belly bloat has disappeared.
  • Hundreds have reported better #s from their doctor. 
  • Clothing is fitting Better. 

While everyone's goals will be different, I love hearing about everyone's various results with our program.

It's not just about the plan and the recipes, though.

It's about the COMMUNITY and SUPPORT.

When the going gets tough, our amazing support team and community of challengers JUST LIKE YOU are there for YOU! 

Don't you deserve a little EXTRAordinary help?

We start the plan today.

The sooner you join, the sooner you will receive access to our community and our support.

Here's what's included when you join the November 4th Challenge Group:

* Our unique 4-Week Clean Eating Guide - Contains plenty of recipes and meal prep advice. 

During the first week, we will Detox all the junk, and in the following 3 weeks, we learn how to eat for life!

A complete 30-day plant-based version of the Challenge.

* 9 No Excuses Success Bonuses. 

* 3 Trick Or Treat Fall Bonuses!

* Shopping Lists for the 30 Days & Beyond!

* Flexible Weekly Menu Plans.

* Daily Support - Not cliches about dieting, but Real facts & advice that works.

* Daily Meal, Mood, & Nutrition Tracker - So helpful!

* Private Online Community - THIS is where the magic happens. My team and I, (plus a small private group of amazing people doing the challenge just like you) will hold you accountable, and be your supporters and cheerleaders. Many people doing the Challenge their 2nd and 3rd time, join us in the group too!

I want to make joining us this month completely irresistible...

When you join our November CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge we're sending you 12 additional bonuses that will accelerate YOUR success on the plan!

Bonus #1 - A Snack List for Week 2 and Beyond - So you can beat those cravings between meals. 

Bonus #2 is our Clean Eating Travel Rescue Guide - Tips for Eating Clean While Eating Out and Traveling!

Bonus #3 We will send you 12 Challenge Approved Smoothie Recipes and our Perfect Smoothie Guide.

Bonus #4 - Our Crush Your Cravings eGuide - 9 Strategies to put your food cravings at ease.

Bonus #5 - Immunity Support Pack - Ready to boost your immune system through food? Here's your guide!

Bonus #6 - 15 Breakfast Ideas to start your day off right.  We're including our Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes eCookbook with your order too. 

Bonus #7 - Party Food to Share with your Crew!  85 Pages of Delicious Party Foods That Everyone Will Enjoy. 

Bonus #8 - Healthy & Delicious 5 Ingredient Recipes - These recipes keep things simple!

Bonus #9 - A Complete Guide to Dining Out - It doesn't matter if you're having Japanese, Italian, or even Fast Food.  This new guide has tips for all of the above and more

Bonus #10 - Slow & Low, Baby - 40 Clean Eating Crock Pot Recipes.

Bonus #11 Pumpkin Love - Our Best Selling Pumpkin eCookbook! 

Bonus #12 DIY Coffee House Swaps - Saves you money, and will also show you how to re-create your favs without drinking a day's worth of sugar.

* Your 2nd Month is Free! - A second 30-Day Challenge Group

Many Real Success stories, details, and registration for November's 30-Day Challenge are available at:

I would love to work with you and show you how rewarding Clean Eating can be!

Make it a great day!

<3 Rachel

Receive 60 Days of our CFC Team Support & Accountability for the price of 30!

"Week 5, down another 1.6 pounds for a total of 14.5 pounds!

This way of eating is working for me when nothing else has in the past. 

My previous digestive issues that I had been suffering with for so long are GONE! Even if I didn't lose weight, this benefit alone makes it completely worth it for me!

Love the recipes, am completely satisfied, and have no cravings, I used to be a sweets and diet soda addict, now I don't miss them at all. 

So happy!" - Michelle

"I have had amazing success in the first month down 22 pounds. I am a very picky eater and am allergic to wheat and peanut. This is the first program I have ever found that I can easily stick to and I feel better than I have in years. I joined the annual membership in order to continue on this healthy journey. I will add that food prep is key to my success. Good luck everyone. Plan to start feeling amazing after week one!" - Julie

"I love this group and challenge/program. It keeps me on track and everyone's stories or their journey/clean food lifestyle is so inspiring. I learn something new every day from the group." - Judy

"I’ve struggled with sugar addiction and consistently knowing what’s Clean and what’s not. CleanFoodCrush has made it so much easier for me. I've lost 20 lbs. and my sugar cravings are gone! " - Angie

If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020, US

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