Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2 Huge Mistakes I Made When Trying to Lose weight

Hey there reader,

Before figuring out this whole weight loss & healthy lifestyle thing, I was clueless about losing weight.

Of course, I thought I knew what I was doing, but now, looking back, it's no wonder I struggled to lose weight and keep it off. I made two big mistakes.

#1 I tried to lose weight without any structure and organization.

If memory serves, this is how my previous weight loss efforts went.

  1. Wake up and say, "I'm going to lose weight today."
  2. Eat two eggs and toast while thinking, "I should probably go to the store to get Lean Cuisines and some other food."
  3. Go to work, and halfway there, I realize I forgot snacks and lunch - by 3:00 pm, starvation kicks in.
  4. Get home from work famished and have no clue what to make for dinner. At that point, my kids would be crying and begging for dinner, so I'd make a frozen pizza or mac n cheese and think to myself, "I guess I'll start my diet tomorrow."
  5. Look in the mirror before bed with disappointment because I didn't make any healthy changes.
  6. Repeat.

Does this sound familiar? That cycle went on FOR DECADES!

Trying to lose weight without structure or organization is like going on a road trip without a map. You know where you want to go but have no idea how to get there.

A lifestyle change isn't going to happen just because you wake up and want it. You need to create a lifestyle that supports your weight loss efforts - this is done with organization and structure.

At first glance, this seems complicated, but it's not that difficult to do. The key is to prioritize time to put new habits into place, and that's what I did.

Instead of using my old weight loss system of waking up, crossing my fingers, and hoping for the best, I took a couple a week to plan.

  • I created a meal plan
  • I went grocery shopping,
  • Carved out time to prepare some food for the week.
  • Paid attention and tracked calories.

Guess what? Yep, this time I was ready for all the changes I wanted to make and lost 5-6 pounds my first week. All with a bit of structure and organization, my life got better from that point.

#2 I didn't have the rest of my life in order

This is probably the biggest weight loss mistake I've made over the years. My life used to be a daily schedule of stress and chaos.

Here's a glimpse of what life used to be like:

  • My house was cluttered and a mess. This caused me to wake up and go to sleep, feeling overwhelmed. Not to mention, I couldn't focus on anything else when confronted with a mess every day.
  • I never had anything ready ahead of time. This meant I was late, stressed out, and without any healthy food prepared. I spent many mornings in the drive-thru because of this.
  • I couldn't find a balance between work and home. When at home, I thought about work, and I thought about home when at work. I felt behind in all areas of my life and often very stressed out.

I was on the hamster wheel of "hot zones," chaos, and stress. Looking back, it's clear that healthy changes are near impossible to make when trying to survive every single day in the hot zone.

As I started to create structure and organization around food, I realized that I needed to get the rest of my life under control for new healthy eating habits to stick. If not, I would fall back into old habits.

My overall environment needed to reflect the lifestyle I wanted to create. πŸ‘ˆ this!

Again, this was not complicated and a lot easier than I thought. I just needed to put new habits and routines in place to make it easier for me to create healthy lifestyle changes. And guess what? It worked!

After getting the rest of my life in order, I finally started to see results!

I never looked back, and today I'm a very different person than before. I still have "hot zone" moments, but it's different today. Now I cope better with those moments and can bounce back easier.

Creating a healthier lifestyle doesn't need to be complicated. However, you do need structure, organization, and a supportive environment. Those three things can completely change how you live, feel, and look! It did for me.

Talk to you soon!


Organize Yourself Skinny

Ps. Hey, have you checked out my shop, Reset & Flourish? If not, let me tell you all about it!

At Reset & Flourish, you can find many helpful resources to help you fit a healthier lifestyle into your busy schedule. From freezer prep guides to 10-day challenges and eBooks, there's something for everyone. And that's not all! I'm also creating workshops and courses that will make healthy living more manageable. I'm constantly adding new resources to my shop, so check back often. Check out the Reset & Flourish Shop!

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