Sunday, November 19, 2023

It's Time...The Ultimate Thanksgiving Menu with Troubleshooting Tips

Hello reader,

If you're hosting Thanksgiving or bringing a dish you've probably started thinking about what you're going to bring. I've made the entire Thanksgiving meal from start to finish many times! Here are the recipes that I make that never fail!



All you need to know about ROASTING A TURKEY here. Cooking for just a few people? Try this Roasted Turkey Breast.



In my opinion, Lion House rolls are all you need. Thankful Rolls can be made from any bread dough and get the conversation going.


All these pies can be made ahead of time!


On Thanksgiving there's so much pressure for the big meal to turn out right. Here are some solutions to common Thanksgiving mishaps.

1) THE TURKEY IS STILL FROZEN - If you realize the night before or day of that your turkey is still frozen, a cold water bath will save you. Give your turkey a bath in the sink with cold water, turning frequently.

2) NOT SURE IF YOUR TURKEY IS DONE - The biggest worry of most people is if the turkey is done. Everyone's so afraid of serving undercooked turkey that they overcompensate and cook it too long giving the bird it's reputation for being dry. Get a meat thermometer! Check the temperature and know for sure. The breast should be registering between 160-165 degrees F and the deepest part of the thigh should be between 170-180 degrees F.

3) TURKEY SKIN IS LOOKING BURNT - If the skin on your turkey is looking too dark but the turkey is not done, cover with a foil tent.

4) ONLY ONE OVEN - Timing is everything when you only have one oven. Make an oven schedule and rotate dishes in and out. Remember your turkey needs to rest for about 20 minutes before slicing so your oven will be free to reheat sides. Most sides can be made a few days ahead.

Get creative. Use your slow cooker, instant pot, stove, even your grill to keep things warm. Some dishes like these sweet potatoes or scalloped potatoes can be reheated in the microwave with no issue!


TOO RUNNY: Gravy continues to thicken as it cools, so keep that in mind. If really runny, make a slurry with cornstarch or flour, and whisk into gravy.
TOO LUMPY: To fix lumpy gravy, pour it into a blender and blend for 30 seconds.
TOO THICK: Whisk in some turkey or chicken stock until you get the desired consistency.
TOO BLAND: Season with thyme, sage, bay leaves, Worcestershire, salt, or pepper.

6) LUMPY MASHED POTATOES - Try remashing your potatoes by hand or using a ricer.

7) THE TOP OF YOUR PIE IS CRACKED - Cover with whipped cream, chocolate ganache, or caramel!

8) BURNING PIE CRUST - If the center of your pie isn't set but the crust is on the verge of burning, cover with a pie crust shield or make your own circular shield with foil while the pie continues to bake.


If you have any questions feel free to email me at! Email is the quickest way for me to answer your questions.

Happy Thanksgiving! You got this.

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