Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Don't have time to cook? Try this

Imagine this…

You're driving home from work or picking the kids up from school.

You are all super hungry and ready to eat as soon as you get home.

But you have NOTHING prepared…and have no idea what to make for dinner. 

Then you remember how easy it would be to click on Door Dash and have them deliver dinner.

But you hate that idea, because homemade food is so much healthier…

And you especially don't want your kids eating the processed ingredients and refined oils found in restaurant food.

But wait…

You don't need to imagine this happening to you, because you're probably living it! 

If only you had an easier way to get a homemade dinner on the table when you're short on time.

This is why you need my new guide: Slow Cooker Meals In Minutes with over 50 recipes and tons of tips! 

These recipes are an absolute LIFESAVER on busy days. I don't know what I'd do without them. 

When you spend a few minutes in the morning throwing a few ingredients into a slow cooker, making a homemade meal is so much easier (and a zillion times healthier!)

Get instant access when you reserve your copy of my new cookbook, Food Babe Family. 

CLICK HERE: Get Slow Cooker Meals In Minutes as a BONUS now ($39.99 value!)

This way you'll have all these recipes to make your life easier before you receive the cookbook in October. 

To give you a taste…

Here is one of my family's favorite slow cooker recipes from the guide. My kids go CRAZY for this meal! It takes only a few minutes to whisk up the sauce and throw it all in a slow cooker.

Try the new recipe now + download the slow cooker guide today! 



P.S. This bonus is only available for a very limited time when you pre-order, so don't delay. Your family can have these mouthwatering slow-cooker meals on the table in minutes. Get the recipes here now! 

***If someone forwarded this email to you, make sure to subscribe to my free email newsletter here. I'll send you updates, life-changing health tips, recipes, and breaking investigations each week***

Food Babe Family - Pre-Order Now

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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