Sunday, June 5, 2022

Weekly Update (Weigh-in, Meal Plan, & more) June 5th, 2022


Hey there reader

I can't believe it's June! Seriously, how is 2022 halfway through? Crazy!

Anyway, I survived another dance recital season; I think this might be my 12th or 13th season. This was the first year my daughter did everything on her own. She's in 7 dances, got all of the costumes organized, and did her hair and makeup. I sat back and enjoyed the show for the first time, and I was so proud of her!

It was also a little sad. I saw all of these moms with their little girls just starting the dance mom journey, and I was close to the finish line. While a part of me looks forward to a more calm life, I got a little choked up because I will miss it.

The end of the dance recital season means the start of summer for us. Well, kind of. My girls still have a week or so left of school, and then it's smooth sailing for a couple of months. This has been a hectic year, and we can all use a break.

I haven't had a chance yet to start stocking the freezer with meals, but I plan to work on that over the next week or so.

Okay, let's get to the weekly update.

I loved all of the emails and comments about my weekly update post last week. Thank you. It was fantastic to feel all that love and support; I felt so motivated. Just as promised, I'm keeping them going!

Recipes to Try This Week.

Now that summer is right around the corner, I thought I'd share more easy recipes to enjoy when the weather gets warmer.

Do you need a DELICIOUS Gluten-Free Pasta salad to bring to parties this summer? Try this new Caprese Pasta Salad, I shared it on my sister site, Gluten-Free Italian Eats, and people love it!

Leave a Recipe Rating & Comment

If there are any Organize Yourself Skinny recipes you've made, I would appreciate it if you could go to my blog and leave a 5-star rating and comment under the recipe on my blog. This helps me out so much with Google, and it's a great way to support the OYS blog. Thank you so much!

Featured Lifestyle & Weight Loss Post

Check out this post, "7 Mini' Lazy Girl' Weight Loss Challenge Ideas," if you're looking for easy challenges to jumpstart some healthy habits this summer.

Organize Yourself Skinny Facebook Group

Head to the OYS Facebook group for recipe inspiration and meal prep motivation! If your goal is to eat cleaner foods and live a healthier lifestyle, you'll find it there.

Featured Partner

Thrive Market is my go-to shopping resource for healthy, clean eating pantry items, especially gluten-free ones. They have all of the brand-name organic and gluten-free brands at affordable prices. There is a yearly membership, but I think it's worth it. Join now and get 40% off your first purchase. If you want more information, then read my Thrive Market Review.

Have a great start to the week.

Tammy Overhoff

Some of these links are my affiliate links. I'll make a small commission if you choose to use my links; however, you're not obligated to do so. If you do, thanks so much for supporting Organize Yourself Skinny.

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