Monday, June 13, 2022

News Release: MDH takes control of Pine Island nursing home to ensure residents’ safety

minnesota department of health

MDH takes control of Pine Island nursing home to ensure residents' safety

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) assumed control of Pine Haven Care Center in Pine Island on Saturday due to concerns that a growing list of unpaid bills threatened critical services for residents.

The Ramsey County court granted the temporary order Friday, June 10, that allows regulators to protect residents' safety and ensure continued care at the facility while operations and management issues are addressed. MDH arranged for Pathway Health, a professional management organization, to serve as the facility's managing agent during the receivership. Residents and staff were informed of the change over the weekend.

MDH acted after staff found evidence that the facility's growing list of unpaid bills and inability to meet payroll threatened staffing levels, critical services and medications for residents. MDH and the temporary management team will stabilize the facilities' operations to support staff and to ensure patients receive quality care. The facility has 52 residents and is licensed for 70 beds.

"This rare step is one we do not take lightly, but the evidence indicated a need for immediate action to ensure that residents are safe and continue to receive essential services," said Minnesota Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm. "We are focused on a smooth transition and determining the next steps that will meet the needs of residents, staff, and families."

Receiverships, authorized by state law, allow regulators to assume control of a nursing home in certain situations where there are serious health and safety concerns for residents. By law, the receivership cannot exceed 18 months. In a receivership, MDH becomes responsible for operations and finances of the nursing home and typically appoints a managing agent to conduct the daily work of managing the facility.

"We are communicating with family members and residents about the transition as we work to stabilize operations," said Health Regulation Division Director Maria King. "We will work with the new managing agent to help residents and employees through this transition."


Media inquiries:

Doug Schultz
MDH Communications

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